Pharmacy paper II 3rd semester solved mcqs and question Paper 

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Multiple Choice Questions.

QI. Water is present in the form of dispersion medium in

A None ofthe B.O/W emulsion C.W/O emulsion● D. Both a and b

Q2. Insufflators are for administration of drug into

A. Body cavities _B. Blood stream● C. Eyes on

 Q3. In suspensions insoluble solids acts as

A.Botha&b B. None of the above● C. Disperse phase D.Dispersion

 Q4. Compression method ts used for manufacturing of

 A. Stable B. Homogenous C. Heterogeneous D. Multiple ●

Q6. Which of the following 1s the method of compression of tablet

A. Wet granulation ●B. Dry Granulation 3 Dwect D Allab&c

 Q7. Polymers used for enteric costing is the

 A. HPMC B. Carbopol ●C. Acacia D. None of

QS. The dosage form that should be sterile is

A. Suspensions —B. Ointment C. Emutsions● D. Syrup

 Q9. The method of sterilization for air is

A. Radiation B. Moist heat C. Filtration D. Dry Heat ●

Q10. The coating which provide the protection from acidic pH of stomach is

A. Sugar coating —_B. Enteric coating● C. Double layer —_D. Polymer coating

Choose the correct True/False option.

QI. Direct compression method is used for manufacturing of tablets

A. False B, True ●

Q2. Emulsifying agent is used for increasing solubility

A. False ●B. True

Q3. Cream is a semi-solid dosage form

A. False B. True ●

Q4. Elixir is the preparation having alcohol as an essential part

A. True● B. False

Q5. Topical dosage form should be sterile

A. False ●B. True

Q6. Tablet is a unit dosage form

A. True ●B. False

Q7. Water is inorganic solvent

A. False● B. True

Q8. Manufacturing area for parental dosage form should be sterile

A. False B. True●

Q9. Hard gelatin capsules shells are best for packing semisolid material

A. False● B. True

Q10. Tablet coating is done for increasing bulk

A. True● B. False


Q7. Inventory control is the responsibility of

A. Pharmacy Pharmac: technician B. Alla, b & ¢ c. ●it D. Nurse

Qs. is the study of compounding and dispensing of drugs

 A. Compounding B. Nursing C. BothaandB D. Pharmacy●

Q9. Which of the following is not correct about water as a solvent

A. Nontoxic● B. chea DB, Now-poler p C.Alla,b&c nature

QI0. 10 ml is equal to

A. 10000 ●! B. 500 drops C. O.lfiter D. 10-3L

Choose the correct True/False option.

QI. 0.005mL is equal to 15 pL

A. True B. False ●

Q2. If particle size is decreased then surface area is increased

A. False B. True ●

Q3. BD means three times a day

A. False● B. True

Q4. pH range is from 7-14

A. True B. False ●

QS. Inventory control is the responsibility of Physician

A. True B. False ●

Q6. Heat sensitive drugs are purified by direct heat sterilization

A. False ●B. True

Q7. pH of intestine is slightly basic

A. False ●B. True

Q8. Elixer is a not a solid dosage form

A. True● B. False

Q9. Syrup is alcoholic solution

A. True● B. False

Q1O. Nursing is the study of compounding and dispensing of drugs

A. True● B. False

Fill in the Blanks

, QI. dosage form has Bioavailability ...........

Q2. Hard gelatin capsules shells are best for packing __ material ..............

Q3. Simple syrup BP contains sucrose in 100 ml..............

 Q4. Topical preparations absorbed through ___............

 QS. for masking bitter taste of tablets is done.............

 Q6. Compression method is used for manufacturing of .............

Q7. Most commonly used binder in tablets is ..........

 Q8. In sugar coating, the sugar used is ..............

Q9. The method of sterilization for air is

Q10. Ointment is a semi solid dosage form .............

QI1. Syrup is aqueous solution while elixir is solution..............

 Q12. Emulsifying agent is used for in emulsions.............

 Q13. Polymers are used in suspensions for the purpose of ...............

Q14. The maximum first pass effect is found in route ..............

QIS. Sucrose isusedas_ sangeet in syrup

Q16. Dosage form can be administered through rectal route is ...............

QIT7. Disintegration test is used fortabletsand...............

 Q18. The coating which provide the protection from acidic pH of stomach is called..........

 Q19. The most suitable vehicle used in tablet granulation is ...............

 Q20. The greasy effect on skin is produced by dosage ................

Important questions 

 Define Tablets. Discuss the steps involve in wet & dry granulation of tablet.

Q.No.02: iid hard & soft gelatin capsule. Discuss the filling of soft gelatin capsule. 

Q.No.03: Define dosage form; Discuss wet granulation process in detail.

Q.No.04: Define parenteral preparations. Discuss advantages of parenteral dosage form

 Q.No.05: What is sterilization? Write note on steam sterilization

Q.No.06: Discuss following.
a. Disadvantages of parenteral dosage for
 b. What are Vaccines
c. Powders dosage form
d. Aerosols dosage form

By Dr Muhammad Abid 

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