Pharmacy paper I 3rd semester solved mcqs and question Paper 

Only one Csspointhub

Fill in the Blanks.

QI. Inventory control is the responsibility of............

 Q2. During distillation vapors are collected in.............

 Q3. Agar is the example of emulsifying agent..............

Q4. Which of the following is used to measure viscosity............

 QS. Number of gram equivalent of solute dissolved per liter of solution is called .............

Q6. ORS stands for ...............

Q7. For 5 % wiv solution of NaCt required amount of NaCl is .............

Q8. Bases produce 1ons in water ............

Q9. S.0.S. means ...............

Q!0. QID means .............

QI1. The resistance to the flow of liquid is called...............

 Q12. The acid found in stomach is ............

Q)3. Emulsion have the two liquids which are...............

 QI4, 1 ml contain drops ................

Q15. BD means .............

QI6. Prescription is written by a registered............

 Q17. In prescription the symbol Rx means.............

 Q18.  grain is equal to mg............

 QI9. The units of viscosity are............

 Q20. § Table spoon is equal to..........

Multiple Choice Questions.

QI. Number of gram equivalent of solute dissolved per liter of solution is called

A. Molarity● B. Molality C. Solubility D. Normality

Q2. The percentage of sucrose in simple syrup USP is

A. 66.7% ●B. 69.7% C. 85% D. 80%

Q3. Due to hydrogen bonding, alcohol and aldehydes are sin water

A. Soluble ●B. Immiscible C. Miscible D. None of the

Q4. Privately owned business for the dispensing of drugs is called

C. Nuclear D. Retai) A. Hospital Pharmacy B. None of these pharmacy ● Organic compounds having general formula R-OH are

 B. Alcohols C. Acids D. Alkyl halides ●

QNo.01: Briefly discuss the following processes;
a. Distillation b. Sublmation c. Decantation
d. Crystallization

 Q.No.02: Draw the general structure of Aldehyde & Ethers, discuss methods of synthesis, biological activity & pharmaceutical uses.

Q.No.03: Define buffers. Briefly discuss the methods of preparation of buffers with examples.

 Q.No.04: Differentiate between solution & emulsion; discuss the components of emulsion & methods of preparation of emuision.

Q.No.05: a. Briefly discuss the tests for emulsion.
b. Differentiate between hospital pharmacy & clinical pharmacy.

Q.No.06: Write down the role of pharmacy technician in;
a. Hospital Pharmacy b. Community Pharmacy

By Dr Muhammad Abid 

Pharmacy paper I

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