Pathology paper I 4th semester solved mcqs and question

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1. Total leukocyte count increase in

C. Wound healing B. Skin infections●

 2. During coombd the Incubation period ova be reduced by using ”

c. KOH B. LISS ●D. Glycine

3. Atimonium Oxaist is part of

Platelet diluting fluid ●

4. Blood must be stored at temperature rang  Retiulocyte diluting fluid

2-6 c•

 5. The term thromubveytopenia indicates:

D. Microbiology C. Decrease in number of platelet ● A.Increase in number of lymphocytes
B. Increase in the number of platelet

6. Hucmopoiesis indicates

A. Formation of red cell B. Formatien of white blood cell C. Formation of palates ~D. Formation of ali blood cell ●

7. Acetune free methanol is part of

A. Gram stain B. Indian ink stain
C.Z.N stain “D. Leishman stain ●

8. Which onc is the correct statement about platelet count

A. Varies with the age-of the patient ●

 C. Blood is diluted 1:10 for count “D. Varies with gender of the patient he given stains is not a Romanowsky stain

 9. Which of the given s waky stale teen tain

A. Giemsa stain B . Zihel Nelson stain ●’ C. Wrights stain D. Leishman stain

10. Normal value of hemoglobin in adult mate is

A. 6-7y/dl B. 8-1 0p/dl  C. 14. 17p/dl● D. 18-206

11. Which objective of the microscope is used ° see perip cral blood smear

A. X10 . “C. X40 ●

 12. Which one the following

. B PCV ●Mey ; D. MCHC 

13. 30% or more myeloblasts in


Q 33. TLC runs very high usuully acaring 100 thousand ia

A. Osteoarthritis “B. Acute feukemia●
 C. Wound healing : D. Amocbiasis

Q 3. The term, erythropoiesis indicates formation of

A.Redcells ●B. Lymphocytes C. Platelets D. Granulocytes

Q 35. Cross match test used for

 A. Determine mujor ABO blood group of the recipient B. Ensure compatibility between recipient serum and donor red cells●
 C. Determine major ABO blood group of donor D. Determine Rh D group of both the donor and recipient

 Q 36. Gimcsa’s stain is prepared in

A. Acetone free methanol● B. Sodium chloride solution C. Dilute Nitric Acid D. Lugol lodine

37. Direct coomb’s test is performed to detcct antibodies on the surface of

A. Red cells ● B. White cells C. Platekts D. Reticulocyte

Q 38. Anti-B antibodies will be present in the serum of aa individual having blood group

A.A● B.B Cc. AB D.O

Q39. The minimum acceptabic age of an adult blood donor is

A. 20 yrs B. 40 yrs  C.18 yrs● D. 70 yrs ’

Q 40. Oil immersion magnification power is

A. X10 B. X20 Cc. X40 D. X100●

 Q41. Which of the following blood group is used as a universal recipient

 A. Blood group A B. Blood group B C. Blood group AB ●D. Blood group O

Q 42. For the measuremcat of chemical Substance blood is commonly obtained from

 A. Lymphatic B. Artery C.Vein ● D. Sinusoid

Q 43. 2-6% represents value of which of the following parameters

A. Retic Count ●B. ESR - C. TLC D. Hb

Q 44. Blood for Donation purpose is routinely drawn from vein in the

A. Cubital fossa● B. Groin C. Back of the hand D. Dorsum of the foot

 Q 45. The acceptable level of Hb in female for being a blood donor is

 A. 10 g/dl VB. 2 g/dl ● C. 16 pat Q. 18 g/dl


Q 46. Which celis commonly predominate in peripheral blood during normal DLC

A. Basophils ~“B. Neutrophils ●
 ©. Lymphocytes D. Eosinophils
Q 47. Which one of the following is used as anticoagulant in bided donation bag

A. Heparin B. EDTA C. Sodium citrate.

QI. Which one of the following antibodies indicates recent infection?

A. Igé B. IgM C. IgG D. IgA ●

Q2. Most powerful phagocytic cell is

A. Mast cell B. Lymphocyte C. Basophil D. Macrophage ●

Q3. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is used for culture of

A. Anaerobic Bost of the fungi C Neisseria D Gram bactena meningitidis negative rods ●

Q4. Which domain of pathology is concerned with ABO blood grouping?

A. Immunology B. Histopathology● C. Virology D. Mycology

QS. Congulase test is used for identification of

A. Staphylococcus srachytococcus B.saprophyticus● C. Staphhlococcus _D. Strept aurcus epidermidis pneumoniae

 Q7. Which of the following is used as a secondary stain in Zieh! Neelsen procedure?

A. Methylated Spint● B. 10 % formalin C. Crystal violet ores

Q8. Which one of the following hypersensitivity reactions is antibody mediated?

A. Type! B. Type I C. Type IV ●D. Type Tl

 Q9. Gram stained smear is examined under which power of the microscope?

A.X40 B. X20 C. X 100 ●D.X 10

 Q10. Which of the given antibodies has the highest concentration normally in the serum?

A. IgM B. IgE●C. IgG D. IgA


Fill in the Blanks

QI. Number of bacteria increases in ------------

Q2. With respect to numer of cells, bacteria are ------------

Q3. Most pathogenic bacteria grow al a temperature Of -------—----------

Q4. Escherichia coli is a gram negative --------------------

QS. Staphylococcus aureus 15 a gram --------

Q6. Neisseria gonortheae is a gram ........Coccus

Q7. Hemophilus. influenzae is grown on -------------------agar

QB, owreennnne—nnneee fuchsin is used as a primary stain in Zichl Neelsen procedure .....

Q9. Spherical or oval shape bacteria are called, -----------

QIO. In Z. N procedure 20 % --------------------is used to decolorize the primary stain

 QI. Bacteria divide by the process of —------—------—-----

Q12. Zich! Neelsen stain is used demonstrate —-----—---

Q13. Bacteria do not have a proper ----—--------membrane

Q14. A layer of viscous material around cell surface of bacteria is called, ——-—---—---

QI5. Under the microscope, gram positive bacteria appear —-—-——-——---

QI6. Clostridium tetani is a gram positive -~---------

QI7. The extra nuclear cartier of genetic information in bacteria is called—-------

QI8. Rod shape bacteria are known as ------—-—--------

Q19. The most commonly used stain in bacteriology is ------------ stain

Q20. Blood culture for Salmonella typhi come under the domain Of .............

Choose the correct True/False option.

QI. Streptococcus pyogens is bacitracin resistant

A. False B. True ●

Q2. Weil-Felix test is done for diagnosis of Rickettsial disease

 A. False● B. True

Q3. Urease test is used for identification of Shigella species

A. Faise● B. Truc

Q4. Both DNA and RNA are contained in Hepatitis B virus

A. True● B. False

QS. Unne is used for culture of cytomegalovirus?

A. True B. False●

Q6. Nutrient agar is a simple culture medium

A. True ●B. False

Q7. Tlymphocytes produce antibodies

A. True● B. False

Q8 AIDS is caused by Mumps virus

A. False● B. True

Q9 Oxidase test is used to identify Pseudomonas

A. Troe B. False●

QIO. Streptococcus pneumoniae is optochin sensitive

A. Paise ●B. True

By Dr Muhammad Abid

Pathology 2nd semester solved mcqs

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