Radiology 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th semester viva examination solved question 

Radiology 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th viva examination important question and there answer.

(1) tungstentow melting point is
Ans: 3422 c

(2) Grid is the best equipment for patient
Ans: used in x- Ray for reducing scattering.

(3) pathology appear in x-Ray  in chest is
Ans: show multiple opacity

(4) collimeter device used for
Ans: narrow the beam of waves.

(5) Aperture control the
Ans:Brightness of images

(6)only present in male not in female
Ans: Y chromosome

(7) Barium swallows used for
Ans:this test used for diagnosis of particul in esophagse.

(8) increasing filtration the beam of x- Ray is
Ans: hardening the beam

(9) type of Grid is
Ans: 4

(10) type of ribs in human
Ans:4 type

(11) intra venues used for
Ans: for entering something directly into blood stream

(12) electromagnetic field measure in unite
Ans: EMF  ( TESLA)

(13) x-Ray  quality increase by
Ans: by kvp

(14) dealy cleaning of dark room cause in x-Ray
 Ans:image of soft organ not seen clearly

(15) intensifying screen have components
Ans:have 4 components

(16) size of polycystic kidney is
Ans: upto 30 pounds

(17)  radiology is the branch of
Ans: medicine

(18) Radiology is the study of
Ans: Diseases and it's treatment

(19) stone of gall bladder is called
Ans: Cholelithiasis

(20) calculus means is
Ans: stone of kidney

(21) how to diagnose kidney stones
Ans:Ct scans

(22) Fluoroscopy is the study of
Ans: moving body structure

(23) electric current is made up of
Ans:sub atomic and free electron

(24)Largest part of the human body
Ans: skin

(25) smallest part of the human body

(26) Largest part of the human stomach

(27) main organ of human stomach
Ans: esophagse

(28) spleen store
Ans: filtered blood

(29) filament is the part of
Ans: emulsion

(30) lungs have 3 lobes
Ans:Right lung

(31) Enlarge heart called
Ans: cardiomegaly

(32) numbers of joints in human skull
Ans: 4

(33) Ct stand for
Ans: computed tomography

(34) IVU Stand for
Ans:intervenes urogram

(35) venography mean
Ans:cloure injection to the bone

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For Watching health important question for viva of 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th semester click on this link

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