Public health 2nd semester solved mcqs and question for 2023 Exam 

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QI. Venereal disease are commonly called

 A.Sexually● B. Nutntrnal c. transmitted disease D.inflammatory disease

Q2. A condition in which the body health 1s umpaired  ittness PD Health

 A. Disease ●B. Medical ine

Q3 Natal care ts also known as ...

 A Domiciliary care B. Intranatal care ●

Q4 In children Vit D defictency causes

C suney D Ruk A Osteomalacia ●
B Benden

QS. Vitamin C is also called

A. Caritsol ●B. Carticile

QI Waste which can put the life of a person at

 A. Non-risk waste B Risk waste ● Boh A & D Noa-of these

 Q2 Obesity 1s expressed in

A k:lojoules B kilo calones C Calones D BMI ●

Q3 The first country that launched a nation-wide family planning program

 A China● B Fogland C Pakistan D Indus

Q4 Natal care 1s also known as

 A Non-of these B Domicihary care C Posmaial D Intranatal care ●

 Q6. Cholera is an crammpte of deccene decane

 A Weee dmpered dweme ® weeer born diseass C Veco oral Woeer weak 2

Q7 1a chikdren Vit D deficeency Greene dhoenae A Rickees ® Bevieri c

8.A conde on which the tity health in impaired Crecomatecia

 A tlinese a > Conor revues from the dencramcy of C Health D Medica

 QI Neunatal tetanus a prevented through Clean cutting of the cord

A Truc● B. False

G2 The IgA wamported across the placenta A Troe 4 tate

Q3 Deficiency of won produces mactocytic anscmis

 A True B False●

 Q4 CBR stands for Crude berth rate

 A false● B True

 QS. Epsiemiotoges! tread ts agen. tloat and Environment

A Fake● B. True

3. When proteins are defici factors in population is Pimen yoreventiontra.........

 Q4. Disense_ is the sate in Oe ee known we KWasnniet Hot ..............

QS. The method kills vibrio om exits of the body and funcvos are disns ............

Q6. immunogiobulia P within 30 minutes . ______. is transported across the placenca is Waveed Khatt

 Q7. Prevention of diseases atrched..........

 O8. An infecti at the level of pathogenesis is called............

QI1. WHO stands for ...............

 Q12. Night blindness is cause deficiency of ...........

 Q13. Postnatal period is also known ...........

Q14. Purification of water can be done io the home easily ................

 Q15. Macrocytic anemia is caused by ..............

Important questions 



Q.1 write  the advantages of Breastfeeding and Disadvantages of Boitle feeding. Also, discuss Breast care during lactation.

 Q2. Define Health according to WHO. What is the iceberg concept of disease? Also, discuss the smportance of Social medicine.

Q3. Classify Nutrients, Explain the term” Mainutntion”. Write the 4 components of nutrients.

 Q4. What do you mean by Preventive medicine? Write down the different levels of prevention. %s.

Q.5  do you examine water? Discuss infectious and non-infectious waterlated discases.

Q.6 Write a note on any two of the following sexually transmitted sigh AIDS 7 Gonorrhea 3) Syphilis .

By Dr Muhammad Abid 

For watching English 2nd semester solved mcqs than click on this link English 2nd semester solved mcqs

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