Medical Ethics Health 3rd semester sloved mcqs for 2023 Exam 

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1. A paramedics should perform tals duty both within a eutside Meareoecesecees

 A) Liome B) Village C) Hospital ●D) All Altocating resources

2. one group and should assens the Impact of this choice on e sera.

A) Autonomy B) Beneficence iN C) Non Maleficence D) Justice●

3.A health care provider should work ..........:....

A) Adversely B) Co-●C) Differently D)  vey Helsink!

4.dectaration was done in

 A) 1964 ●B) 1967 Nw C) 1997 D) 1947

5.The Neremberg declaration was done in

 A) 1963 B) 1967 5 C) 1947● D) 1900

6. Practice which opposes the welfare of any research participant.

 A) Maleficence ●B) Beneficénce C) Autonomy D) None’ + Beneficence is beat

8. Conversations between doctor & + hptient.

A) Beneficence ’ B) Maleficence ●C) Confidently Ye D) All

9.All entries are .......

A) Dated ● B) Corrected C) Benefac D) All 

10.Respecting patient privacy and confidentiality is a core ethical... in medicine.

A) Obligatfop● B) Mandatory C) Bah \, D) None

11.Its Patient recdérd & medical record Include .......

 A) Patient Id B) Patient Privacy C) Both ●D) None

12. The word profession MEANS ......

A) Master on Subject B) To Declare Openty● C) Research Practice D) All

13: Respect for autonomy ethic

 A) Rule B) Principal ●

14: Do no harm to the patient.

 A) Autonomy B) Beneficence C) Non-Maleficence● D) None tent

 A. All C B. To declare openty ●C. Research practices @ D. Master on subject

2. Can be defined as set of moral principles adopted by health

A. Utility B. Medical ethics ●C. Justice =) D. Equality

3. RP stands for

A*None of them ‘@) B. Representative Person 9 C. Registered Paramedics D. Retrieve! Paramedics●

 4 A paramedic should perform his duty both ifeidrana outside

A. Home Oy —B. Hospital● C. All & D. Village GY

5. “An act that is done to improve sitaation of others or to act in best interest of patient" WS

A. Autonomy  B. Non Maleficence C. Beneficence ●D. Human rights

 6. Respect for autonomy is of ethics.

 A. All of them!  B. Principle ●C. Rule ZY, D. Concept

 7. MR stands for

 B, Medical Rep C Medically recognized ‘D. Medical record●

 8. Respect forautonomyis. sof ethics.

A. All of them B. Rule C. Principle● . D. Concept

 QI A health care worker shouldheve 0 for beliefs and cultural values of us/her patients and thea families..............

Q2 The carivest code of conduct for health care practioners ss the oath ................

Q3 Ahesith care worker who does not keep her/his knowledge and skills updated 1s demonstrating .............

 Q4 The Geneva of is considered to be fret formal global guidelines for medical ethics...........

 Q5 Health care workers should patients and therr fares wrespective of thew race, nationality, language, beliefs, culture, political or educational status...........

 Q6. In 8 health care system, health care workers who demonstrate ethical behaviour should be and those who show uncthical behaviour should be................

 Q7. Any document related to the mformation about patient's medical history, examination or mvestigations, diagnosis, operation notes, treatment of follow-up 1s called ..............

Q8 A document that outlines the principles and standards of ethical conduct of a health care worker sscalledthe ................

Q9. Access to health care 1s a basic human.....

 QI0 The application of principles of ethics to the practice of medicine 18 called ............

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For watching Health 2nd semester solved mcqs

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