Health paper I 4th semester solved mcqs and question for 2023 Exam 

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Multiple Choice Questions, :

 Q). Inflammation of the ratina is called

 A. Conjuctivitis● B. (ritis C. Keratitis D. Blephritis

Q2. Noise in the ear ts culled

A. Tennitis B. Vertigo C. Otitis ●D. Giddiness

 Q3. Difficulty in seeing distant objects like blackboard is known by the term

A. Myopia● B. Photophobia C. Presbyopia D. Hypermetropia ,

Q4. The term, Spring Catarth is indicative of

A. Keratitis● B. Vitreous Hemorrhage cone D. Inflamed Iris

QS. Feeling sensation of rotation of oneself or of the surrounding is called

A. Vertigo B. Migrain ●C. Headache D. Tennitis

Q6. Pan opthalmitis indicates inflammation of

A. Vitrious● B. Conjunctiva Sato eye D. Comea

Q7. Which of the given drugs is Ototoxic?

A. Erythromycin B. Rifampicin●C. Tetracycline D. Kanamycin

 Q8. Which of the following organisms commonly causes conjuctivitis?

A. Chlamydia B. Klebsiella C. H. influenzae D. E.coli ●

Q9. Inflammation of the middle car is known as

A.bothaandb —_B. Otitis media● C. Otitis externa D. Otitis interna

 Q10. Acute purulent conjuctivilis is characterized by

A. fee B. Mucin discharge ●C.Watery discharge

Choose the correct True/False option.

QI. Diagnostic point in acute cholecystitis is rebound tendemess in right iliac fossa

 A. True B. False ●

Q2. X-Ray PNS don for diagnosis of ears.

A. True● B. False

Q3. The term goiter indicates enlargement of the thyroid gland

A. True ●B. False

Q4. Coryza is a second name of Rubella

A. False B. True ●

Q5. Acute appendicitis usually begins with obstruction of its lumen by fecolith

A False B. True ●

Q6. Hydrocele is a soft transparent swelling in axilla duc to collection of blood

A. True B. False ●

Q7. Hoarseness of voice is never a clinical feature of vocal cord tumor

A. False● B. Truc

QB8. Heim lick's mancuver is performed to remove foreign body from respiratory tract

A. Truc● B. False

Q9. The most essential component in the treatment of hoarseness is strict voice rest

 A. False B. True ●

Q10. Functional status of thyroid gland is assessed by measurement of serum TSH

 A. False B. True ●

Fill in (he Blanks.

QI. Chronic SOM indicates a discase of the ...........

Q2. Sty, is commonly caused by ...........

Q3. Collection of air in the pleural cavity is called ..........

Q4. Congenital cataract is common in ................

QS. Extent of burn of body surface can be calculated with the help of Rule of .........

Q6. is 9 complication of acute suppurative otitis media ..............

Q7. 1s used in removal of living foreign body from the car canal ..............

Q8. Pain in tonsils during acute inflammation is indicated by the term ..............

Q9. Respiratory obstruction in emergency is relieved by ...............

QI0. The commonest cause of urinary rctention in old age is ..............

Q11. Ptyregium is part of the ..............

Q12. Incisional hernia is also called operative hernia...............

 Q13. Iritis is a component of ...............

Q14. The term cataract indicates opacity in the ................

Q)5. is the term that indicates bleeding from the nose...............

 Q!6. Murphy’s sign is characteristic of acute................

 Q17. Foreign body usually lodges inthe main bronchus ................

Qi8. The term DNS indicates a disease of ................

QI9. Pain in the ear is indicated by theterm...............

 Q20. SMR is a surgical procedure carried out in medical discipline of Maltinio .............


Important questions 

Q.Name the bacteria commonty causing acute purulent conjunctivitis.
b. Write down the clinical features of acute bacterial conjunctivitis.
 C. How will you treat the above mentioned infection?

  Q/2: a. What could be different possible foreign bodies in the eye? What are their
two types on the basis of their anatomic location in the eye.
 b. What are the signs and symptoms of foreign body in the eye?

 Q.. How foreign body can be visualized in the eye?

Q. Name the methods by which foreign bodies can be removed from the eye.

Q.. Define sinusitis and name two main sinuses in close relation with bone.
b. Name at least six risk factors of sinusitis.

Q.  Name at least four bacteria commonly causing sinusitis.
Q. What are the signs and symptoms of sinusitis?

Q.. Name the investigation for confirmation of diagnosis.

Q.. Oefine epistaxis and name the area from where it commonly occurs.

 Q.. Mention any three common local causes of epistaxis.

Q. Just name different laboratory investigations that are done In such cases.

Q. . Mention the steps of treating epistaxis. 
a. Define acute cholecystitis and also what Is the most common cause of it?
b. Write down the clinical features of acute cholecystitis.
c. What investigation would you carry out to confirm the diagnosis?
 d. How would you treat acute cholecystitis?

Q6. How would you manage a case of acute abdomen due to intestinal obstruction?

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For watching 3rd semester solved mcqs

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