Health paper II 3rd semester solved mcqs and question for 2023 Exam 

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Multiple Cnoice Questions.

QI. The most common side effect of Daonil is

A. Giddiness● B. Rash C. Vomiting D. Hypog! is

Q2. Which of the following drug is used in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis?

A. Rocephin B. Rifampicin● C. Methotrexate —_D. Glucophage

Q3. Urinary stones are commonly made up of

A. Albumin B. Calcium oxalate● C. Bilirubin D. Uric acid

Q4. Minimal change disease is commonly a cause of nephrotic syndrome in

A. Elderly individuals ●B. Neonates C. Female D. Children

Q5. Osteophytes are visible on X-ray in longstanding cases of

A.Osteo arthritis B. Septic arthritis● C. Rheumatoid arthritis D. Gouty arthritis

 Q6. Anti nuclear factor may be positive in case of

C. SLE D. Gouty arthntis
A. UTI● B. Rheumatic fever

Q7. BPH ts generally a disease of which age group?

D. Elder● A. Young adult B. Infants C. Children individuals

Q8. Retinopathy is a common complication of which of the following disease?

 A. Asthma B. Cerebral malana C. Diabetes D. Enteric fever mellitus●

 Q9. The investigation of choice for the diagnosis of acute glomerulonephritis is

 A. Urine RE B. Serum urea C. Serum protein D. Renal biopsy ●

Q10. Which type, Grave's disease of the thyroid gland is?

 A. Congenital B. Auto immune C. Neoplastic ● D. Degenerative

Choose the correct True/False option

 QI. Stomach wash/gastnc lavage is done in case of corrosive porsoning

A. True● B. False

Q2. Inj atropine is given I/V in the treatment of snake bite

 A. False B. True ●

Q3. Constriction of pupil is one common feature in organo phosphorous poisoning

A. False B. True●

 Q4. Alkalis cause more severe deep injuries than acids

A. True B. False ●

Q5. Cold sponging has no role in the treatment of hyperpyrexia

A. False● B. True

Q6. Use of acid/alkali as antidote is contraindicated in corrosive poisoning

 A. False B. True ●

Q7. Ingestion of more than 10 ml of kerosine oil may be fatal

A. True● B. False

Q8. Sea snakes are commonly poisonous and dangerous for life

A. True● B. False

Q9. Stomach wash/gastric lavage is immediately done in kerosine oil poisoning

A. False B. True●

 QJO. Clearing air way is the initval vital step in the care of comatose patient

A. True● B. False

QI. Painless hematuria is a common clinical presentation of  cell carcinoma............

 Q2. Leukemia is an uncontrolled proliferation of ..............

 Q3. Urinary tract infection is most commonly caused by..............

 Q4. Anemia is a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of...........

QS. The causative agent of tuberculous meningitis is tuberculosis................

 Q6. deficiency anemia is common throughout the word ................

Q7. The causative agent of Rabies is a tropic virus ................

Q8. Psychological is one common cause of headache ................

Q9. Macrocytosis is a feature of deficiency anemia...............

QI10. Severe headache, vomiting and blurring of vision are common symptoms of brain..............

 Q11. infestation is one common cause of anemia in children ...............

Q12. Normal reference range of Hb in a healthy adult male is g/dl .................

QI3. commonly causes acute pyogenic meningitis in young adults ................

Q14. Coma is a term that is used to indicate a stale of ....................

Q!5. The most common cause of sciatica is the prolapsed inter vertebral ................

Q16. carries generally better prognosis .............

Q17. is most common in children ..............

Q18. Generalized convulsion is a recognized clinical of Tetanus ................

O19. Investigation of first choice for the diagnosis of brain tumor is ...............

Q20. Lumber puncture is done to obtain CSF for the diagnosis of discases of system ................

Important questions 

 Q.1 What is Grave's discase? What arc its clinical fcatures? How will you investigate and treat this disease.

2. Give main differences between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

3. What are the clinical features of peptic ulcer and how you will treat a patient with acute abominable pain?

4. Write a complete note on polio.

5. Write note on worm infestation ii. influenza

Q. 3. What do you understand by the term coma? (2) b. Write only four causes of coma ina situation where the patient has high grade fever.

 Q.4 Just name the investigations that are performed in a comatose patient to find out _ the cause of coma.

Q.5Define leukemia and name two main clinical types of leukemia and also state which one is common in children?

Q.6 Write down the clinical features of acute leukemia.

Q.1 Name two important investigations that are necessary for the diagnosis.

Q.2What are the three types of renal stones and which one ls most common?
b. Write down the clinical features of renal stones.

Q.3 Name the investigations that are commonly done for the Ox of renal stones.
 How the renal stones are treated?

Q4  Oefine diabetes mellitus.
b. Write down the typical symptoms of OM.
 c. Name the long term complications of diabetes in eyes, nerves and kidney.

Q.5Name the test and its normal value that is indicative of glycemic control in ___ the past three months.

  Q6 a. Give a normal reference range of serum uric acid in male.
 b. Write down common clinical features of acute gouty arthritis.
 ¢. How will you treat acute gouty arthritis?

Q.7 Mention different effects of snake venom.
b. How will you treat a case of snake bite? 

QI. A) Describe the different types of Anemia besed on the size of RBC.
 B) what do you understand by "MCH" AND "MCV"
 C) Waite down three imponant clinical features of anemia

. Q2. A) Define acute glomerulonephritis.
B) What is the effect of acute glomeruloncphritis on kidney
 C) Distinguish Nephrotic syndrome trom Nephnitic syndrome.

Q3. Enlist different autoimmune diseases. Explain Rheumatoid arthritis and SLE in detail.

Q4, A) What are the different types of stroke? Explain briefly.
B.White an investigations and treatment of the stroke.

 Q5. Define Toxicology, Also elaborate kerosene oil poisoning and opium poisoning.

 A) Write down the name of the bacteria commonly involved in Urinary tract infection. B) What are the diagnostic test for UTIL.
C) Why is UTI more common in women than in men?
D) Entist different drugs for the treatment of UTI.

By Dr Muhammad Abid

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