Biochemistry 1st semester solved and important mcqs for 2023 Exam 

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Faculty of Paramedical and Allied Health Sciences (FPMA) Khyber Pakinunkhwa

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Biochemistry 1st semester important mcqs for 2023 Exam

1, Which of the following is an amino acid that is found in proteins.
 ‘A. adenosine
 B. adenine i ‘
C. alanine
 D. linoleic acid

2. Milk is deficient of which mineral? i

A. phosphorus
B. sodium
‘C. iron
 D. potassiuit

3. Which of the following is not an amino acid? ‘
A. glutamic acid '
B. aspartic acid
C. giutamine
D, palmitic acid .

4. Hydrolysis of peptides is caused by the enzyme

° A. esterase
B. trypsin
C. amylase i
D. lipase

7. Maltose ts disaccharide of.

A. glucose & galactose
B. glucose & glucose
 C. glucose & lactose
D. fructose & lactose

8. Ascorbic acid acts as an. '

 A. reducing agent
B. oxidizing agent
C. reducing and oxidizing agent both
D. none of the above

9. Buffers are mixture of

A. strong acid and strong base .
B, strong acid & weak base
C. weak acid and their conjugate base
 D. weak base and their conjugate acid

10. Sucrose have.

A. glucose glucose
 B. glucose + fructose
 C. glucose + galactose :
 D. glucose + mannose

11. Cholesterol is the precursor of

A. steroid hormones
B. vitamin A ,
C:bile salts
 D. both A & C

12. The suger which forms major compynent of nucleic acid ix

A. ribose
B. galactose
 C. mannose .
D. maltose

13. Non essential amino acids

 A. are not components of tissue protein
B. may be synthesize in the body from essential amino aciu
C. have no role in the metabolism

14. Normal level of sodium is serum/plasma is.

A. 95-105 mEq/L
B. 135-145 mEq/L
C. 3.55 mEq/L .
D. 22-28 mEq/L .

 15. Vitamins often act as iad

 A. apoenzymes :
B. holoenzymes
C. cofactors .
D. coenzyme

16. Sulphur containing amino acid is :

A. methionine
B. leucine
D.. asparagine eratin take

18. Storage polysaccharides made by animals is,

A. amylopectin
 B. glycogen
 C, cellulose
 D. collagen

19, Which of the following factors can affect enzyme activity?

 A. Temperature
C. inhibitors .
 D. all of the above

22. Normal   pH of blood is. ,

A. 7 3
 D. 7.4

 23. Which of the following is a sugar alcohot?

A. arabitol .
 B. manitol
 C. sorbitol
D. all of these ,

24, Essential fatty acid is.

A. palmitic acid
B. oleic acid
C. linolenic acid
D. palmitoleic acid

25. The most important buffer system in plasma is.

A. protein
B. phosphate
C. bicarbonate
D. hemoglobin

26. Triacylglycerols are.

 A. soluble in water .
B. insoluble in water
C. soluble in water at elevated temperatures
D. partially soluble in water .

27, The foliowizg is a ketogenic amino acid

 A. lysine
B. tryptophan
C. valine
D. none of these

28. A carbohydrate found only in milk is.

A. glucose
 B, galactose
C. lactose swe
 D. maltese

29. Enzyme amylase breaks down.

 A. nucleoproteins
 B. fats
C. proteins
D. cartehydrates

30. Milk is deficient in which vitamins?

A. vitaninC
 B. viteninA
C. vitamin B
D. vitemin K

 32. Vitamin c prevent the

 A. scurvy
B. astibody synthesis
 C. rickets
D. peilagra

33, The normal range of plasma calcium is.

A. 91 1me/dl
B. 3-5meg/dl
C. 5-10mg/dl
D. 11-15

34. Carbonydrate of honey.

 A. fucose
B. maltose
C. lactose .
D. fructose

35. Protems are soluble in.

 A. anhydrous acetone
B. aqueous alcoho
 C. anhydrous alcohol
D. benzene

36 The power house of cell is,

 A. golgi apparatus
 B. lysosome
C. mitochondria
D. ribosome my

37. A pentose sugar is.

A. dihydroxyaceione
B. ribulose
C. erythrose
 D. glucese

38. What type of covalent bond link the amino acids in a protein?

A. peptides bond
B. hydrogen bonds
C. ionic bonds
D. glycosidic bonds

39. Which of the following is a non reducing sugar?

A. isomaltose
B. maltose
 C. Lactose
D. trehatose mo

40.Daodenua is the principal site for the spserptian

A. Leos .
 B. Fake acid
c. Water

 42. In cell the power house of cell is

 A Nucleus
B. sli membrane
C. mitochondria
D. lysosomes

43, Food energy is measured in.

 A. Kilocalories
B. Proteins
Cc. Grams
 D. None of the above

 44. Basal metabolic rate is affected by.

 A. Body temperature
 B. Body size
C. Sex ‘
 D. All of the above

45, Maltose can be formed by the hydrolysis of.

"A. Starch
 B. Dextrin
 C. Glycogen .
 D. all of these ,

46. The deficiency of thymine produces a disease known as. ,
 A. Betiberi
 ‘ B. Scurvy .,
 C. Cataract

47, Which of the following is not adisaccharide?

A. Amylase
 B. Cellobiose .
C. Lactose
D. None of these

48. Two sugars which differ from one another only in configuration around a single carbon atom are termed.

 A. Epimers .
B. Anomers
c. Optical isomers
D. slercusomeis

49. Enzy me increased in myocardial infarction i is.

A. Amylase
B. Lipase
C. Creatine kinase
 D. Esterase

50. An essential amino acid in man is,

A. Aspartate
 B. Tyrosine
D. Serine

                        ☆ Answer key ☆

1. c . 2 c .3. D . 4.B .  5.D .6. A . 7.B  8. C . 9.c .  10. B . 12.A 13. B .14, B .15. D 16. A 17, B 18. B 19. D 20 A 21. A 22. D  23. D 24.c 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30 . A 31. B 32. A 33. A 34 . D 35. D 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. D 40 . A  41. A 42. C 43. A 44. D 45 . D 46. A 47. A 48. A 49. C 50 . C

By Dr Muhammad Abid


Biochemistry 1st semester important mcqs for 2023 Exam

Fill in the Blanks,

 Q2. A homopolysaccharide made up of fructose is

Q4 The spontancous passage or diffusion of water or other solvents through a semipermeable membrane is called .........

Q5 Envyme increased in myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) ls ............

Q6 Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy or ketones.............

 Q. Power house of cell is..............

Q9 vit D produce by...................

Q. is the major iron transport protein that transports iron through blood. ..............

Q.Enzymes which are slightly different in molecular structurc but can perform identical activitics are called as .............

O12. The repeating units of proteins are ............

Q13. A decrease in the janized serum Calcium causes Q14 Milk protein is calted .............

Q.The carbohydrate found in DNA is....................

 Q. The basic principles of action of plasma.............

Q.Sucrose a disacchande on hydrolysis gives glucose and ..............

QI9. Fatty acids which remain in liquid state at room temperature are called ..............

Q20 ts a polysaccharide in plants that serves as a building material ................

Multiple Choice Questions.

 Qt. Which among both glucose.

A. lsoleucine B. Leucine C. Histidine D. Lysine

Q2. The following is an urine acid

A. Proline B Glycine C. Serme D. Alanine

Q). The following sugar  non-reducing sugas

A. Trehalose B lsomaltose C Lactote D. Maltose

QS. The simplest futty acid is

A. Palmitic acid B. Acetic acid C. Oleic acid D. Butyric acid

Q6. Amylase Enzyme is increased in

C. Pancreatitis D. Myocardial
A. Hepatitis B. Cholecystitis lnfarction

 Q?. Active form of Vitamin D is called

 A. Calcitonin B. Cakcitriol C. Calmodulin D. Contisol

 Q8. The TWO principal contractile proteinsfound in skeleta! muscles are ‘cect nummertonerae gat

 QI0. Buffers are mixtures of  Strong acid  Weak base and

A. Strong scid and . nak base B. Weak acid and their conjugate base and strong bese their conjugate acid

Choose the correct True/Faise option.

 QI. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Night Blindness.

A. True B. False ●

Q2. D-Alsnine and L-Alenine are technically known as‘enantioners A. True B. False

Q3. The phenomenon of osmosis is opposite to that of diffusion A. True● B. False

Q4. Bulfers are mixtures of strong acid and weak base

A. True● B. False

QS. Proteins are soluble in equeous alcohol

A. False B. True ●

Q6. Aikalosis can occur due to vomiting

A. False B. True ●

Q8. Cholesterol is present in high levels in Egg Yotk

A. False B. True ●

Q9. All enzyme are protein in nature but some lipid in

A. True B. False●

 Q10. Disease beri beri cause due to folic acid

A. True● B. False

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For watching physiology important and solved mcqs than click on this Physiology solved mcqs  

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