Computer 1st semester solved and important mcqs for 2023 Exam 

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Multiple Choice Questions.

QI. Product of 1011 and 101

A. 1101‘ B. (11100 C. 143031 DB. 11001

Q2. These devices provide a means of communication between a computer and outer world.

A Storage B. VO ● C. Compact D. Drivers

Q3. In computer science and information technology (IT), DNS is an abbreviation of .

 A. Domain Name System _B. Direct Name Software Syston Name romain Name ●

Q4. Which operating system is used by most of the supercomputers in the world?

A. None of these B. Windows C. Macintosh D. Linux ●

Q5. DRAM stands for?

Meme Read Access git] Random-Access● Memory ra Memory Acten Mowom

Q6 Which shoricut key used to cut the selected item or text in Microsoft Office.

A. Ctrl+X B Calta ● C. AlttX D.

 Q9. Which variable type can have only two psible values?

b. sting A. double ● B.bool C. integer . 

A Chip, Mana Geneon So rarsister ' C. Integrated circult D. Vacuum tube

QI1. Which transmission allows data to travel in both directions but only one direction at a time?

A. Reverse B. Simplex * C. Full duplex● D. Half duplex

Q12, URL is an abbreviation for? '

A. Univeisal Resource C. Uniform Resource D. Uniform Resource B. Universal Res urce Locator ●

QI3. The binary equivalent of the decimal n ber 10 is .

A. 10 B.O10. C. 0010 D. 1010 Q14, The octal equivatent of 1100101.003010

 Q15. Which shortcut is used to print a docume t in Microsoft Office?

A. Shift+P B.Ctrl+P ● C. Ctrl+Shfit+P D. Ctrl+print

Q16. The tool used to find a similar word in document is called °

 A. Finder ● B. Thesaurus C. Find and Replace D. Dictionary

 Q17. 1 kilobyte (kb) = ' ; A. 1,024 Bytes ● B. 1'ooo Bytes C. 1,200 Bytes D. 1,275 Bytes

 Q18. Which operating system is used by most fthe Home users in Pakistan?

A. Macintosh B.Linux C. None of these D. Windows●

 Q19. The .com used frequently in website url an be expressed as

A. Cordial B. Commercial●‘ C. Cooperative D. Corporation

 Q20. MHz stands for? | A. Millihertz B. Megahertz● C. Mierohertz D. None Of These


Fill in the Blanks,

Qt. A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as ........

Q2. The device is used for converting maps, pictures and drawings into digital form for storage in computers.........

Q3. A command line operating system was developed by the Microsofi corporation......

Q4A device used for video games, flight simulators, uaining simulators and for controlling industrial robots.............

QS. What kind of memory is both static and non-volatile ............

Q6. The only language which the computer understands is..........

 Q7.The are used to identify a user who returns to a website .........

QS. Brain of computer is ............

Qo The. generation based on VLSI microprocessor...........

 QI10. The is capable of recognizing a pre-specified type of mark by pencil or pen? ............

Q13. The process of division on memory spaces is called..............

 QA person who used his/her skills to gain access to the other’s computer to get information illegally or do damage is ..........

Q15. OCR stand for ............

QI6. The value of base in a hexadecimal number system is ............

Q17. Which browser comes with Microsoft Windows by default ..............

Ql8.The—C“‘CCCs the Key 10 close a selected dropdown list; cance] a command and close a dialog. .............

Q19. The term is used to distinguish between various hardware technologies.........

Q20. ICT stands for ............

Fill in the Blanks.

Qt. The onty language which the Computer understands is ...........

Q2. What is internet.............

 Q4. DOS stands for ?............

 QS. What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a chent-server system? .............

Q6. Graptucal pictures that represent an object like file, folder etc. are ............

Q7. Operating Sysiem 1s the most common type of software. ...........

Q3. The can be used to dirceily read the text directly from the image. ...............

Q®. The is used to move a copy of file from one computer to another over a com............

 QIO. The brain of computer is ? ...........CPU

Qi. is the key to close a selected drop -down list: cancel a command and close a Galog bos..........

Qi2. is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide placfor=s for ...........

Tunning application software?........

Ql4, Directory also known as ..........

Q16. HMIS stands for .............

QI7. Amencan Standard Code for Information Interchange is shorily known as ..........

QI8 The instructions that (a computer how to carry out the processing tasks are referred to computer ......

QU9. | Byte © ?.............


Maltiple Choice Questions.

Q1. Software designed for

A.The term computer ts denved from  German B. English C Latia D French

Q2. What type of operating system MS-DOS is?

A. Both GUI & CLI B. GUI C. Meau Daves DCL

Q). Bluctooth 1s an example of D virrual prrvete

A. wide area network B. personal erca network C. local ares wetwork ’

Q4 the smallest unite in computer data is

A. Bit B. Nibble C. Byte D Ky

 QS. WAN stends for?

A. Wucless Area Network 0. World Area Network C. Wide Ares Network Network ?

Q6. MIS stands for C Management Inurucnoa D Mastenag

A. Management : nent | ot Information System B. Mana information Software

Q7. The computer that proc

 B. ttybred Computer C. Anslog Computer Maminene
A. Digital Computer

Q8. WWW stands for

A. Web World Wide B. World Whole Web C. World Wide Web D. Wide World Web

Q9. Which of the fotlowing are composents of Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

A. Arithmetic logic unit, ee C. Arithmetic logic wit, Di Control Uni, Control usit B. Arittunctic logic unit, Mouse lntegraced Corcunts Monitor

Q10. What kind of memmory is both static and non-volatile?

A. RAM B. Hard disk c.ROM D BIOs

QUI. Gigabyte is equal to 7 megabytes

A. 1024 bas B. 1024 kulobytes C. 1000 megabytes D. 1026

12. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, prieted text or other images into digital form is, ,

A. Mouse B, keyboard C. Scanner D. Priter

Q13. The brain of any computer system is ?

A. Memory B.CU C.ALU D.cPu

Q14. A collection of related date is called _

A. Mets Dats B. Important Dats C. lnformetion D. Database

 Q15. Who is the father of Computer?

A. Alles Turing B. Simur Cray C. Charles Babbage =D. Rill Gate

Choose the correct True/False option.

 Smanphone is not 3 network edge device?

A. True B. False●

 Q2. is incorrect email address.

A. False● B. True

Q3. Word processing software is » type of application software.

 A. True● B. False

QS. Android is developed by Microsofi.

A. True● 8. False

Q6. Data becomes information when it is presented in 2 format thet people can understand and wee. A. False B. True●

Q7. IOS is the name of Google mobile phone Operating system.

A. False B. Troe●

Q8. We can not transfer dats from our srnertphone to PC without internet.

A. False● B. True

Q9. Communication between » computer and a keyboard involves Half-duplex transmission, A. True B. False●

 Fill in the Blanks.

Controlling wndustnel doom  video games, fhghe sumutsiors, raunang sirouletons and for ........

Q The arranging of deta in a logical sequence called ........

Qs A device, whach 1s not connected .........

Q4 A person who used hes/her wOCPULw called as............

computers? — is used for converting maps, pictures and drawings into digtal form for sorage ..........

QO The value of bese in a hexadecimal amber sysem 1s hardwere technelogryes. .........

Q16 A computer program thal converts an entwe program imo machine language 21 once (one tune oF as 0 whole),

QI7 Which browser comes with Microsafi Weadows by defauk ........

Qi8 OCR stand fer .........

QI9 The generation based 08 VLSI mictoprocessar .........

Q20 The process of division on memory spaces isealied........

Muhiple Cheice Questiens.

Ql Which operating system 1 used by most of the Home users un Pakistan?

A Windows B None of these C tama D Mecmessh

Q Which mumber system 1s used by computers?

A. decumal B analogue C digital D buay

Q3. in computer science and information technology (TT), DNS is an abbrevisuon of

A. Domesn Name Software B. Domem Name Systers $ Decct Nema 0. Dect Naase Sys

Q4 Miz stands for?

A. Megahestz B. Milhhertz C. Micsohertz D Nene Of These

Qs The Therd Generation Computer used

A. Vacuums tube B. integrated circuit C.Chlp D Trenton

Q6. The com used frequently mn webste uel can be expwessed

A. Commercial B. Cooperative C. Cordeal D


1. Which one of the following called First memory.

A. DVD  B. Rom C. Hardisk D. RAM

 2. The Key To Close A Selected Drop -Down Lise; Cancel

A  marine Box. B. ESC C SHIFT D. F10 Thec

 3. Part Of A Computer That Allows A User To + Information Into The Computer

B. Software C. Teo devices D. Operating system

4.WWW stands for

A. Web World Wide B. Wide World  C. World Wide Web D. World Whole We

3. The Word Frucessing Task Assuciaied With Changing The Appearance Oa Document Is .

A. Editing B. Writing C. Formatting D. All Of Them ‘

6. Which Of The Foltowing Is NOT One Of The Four Major Data Processing | Functioas OfA ° Computer?

A. Analyzing The Data Or Information B.
C, Storing The Data Or Information
D. Gataering Data

7. Vacuum Tubes Were Replaced By

A. None
B.G Electric Relays  C. DOS Stands For

8. Disk Operating Session

A. Transistors . D. Electrodes  B. Digital Operating System C. Digital Open System D. Disk Operating System,

9. A Modem Is Connected To e A clephone Line

 A. Keyboard rinter . B. Monitor

 10. ISO storage devices is..

A.Floppy Disk  B. BrTape C.Hard disk

11. What Is A Software?

D. All of the above A. Set Of Instructions B. None C. Set OFP

12. Swit hi am D. Set Of Information . i Ww "I ching Device Of Fifth Generation Computer Is Transistors D. Me Tubes

14. URL stand for.

A ifm Research Link B yeferm Research Locator js,

15. RAM Is An Example Of

A.Uniform Resource Locator primary Memory B. Secondary Memory

16. The Following Is Not A Binary Number

17. WAN stands for

A. Wireless Area Network .

C. Wide Area Network D. Wap Arce Netork

18.MS Word is used for

A. Presentation . B. Chattin C. Text Document ; D. Accounting

Q.19 A hybrid computer called.....

20, Programs designed tv perform specific tasks known as

A. System software B. Utility soft ware
C. Hardware D. Application software

21, In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion slots and active componenis are mounted on a single board. What is the name of this board?

A. Daught :r board B. Motherboard C. Brea: soard D. Grandmother board

22. Which part of the computer Is directly Involved in executing the instructions of the com zter program?

A. Tis scanner B, The processor
C. The secondary storage D. The main storage

23, The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations ts called

A. Sorting B. Storing C. processing D. Editing

27. The Output Shown On The Computer Monitor Is Called

A. Soft Copy B. Print Copy ’ C. Hard Copy D. Screen Copy

28. PDA Stands For? ‘

A.Penonal Diginl Applications B. Private Digital Assistants . Personal Digital Assistants D. Pri igi icati

29. GoM Stee be . rivate Digital Applications

A. Graphical System For Monitoring B. Global System For Mobile Communication
C. Graphical System For Mobile Telecommunications D. Global Systern For Monitoring

30. Fastest type of computer memory is

 A. ROM . B. Hard disk ° C. Cache D. RAM

31. What Is The Accurate Combination Of Keys To Select All Text A Document?

 A. AI+FH+A B. Alt+A C. Ctrit+ A . D. Ctrl + F

32. Notebook PCs Fall Into A Category Of Devices Called A. Hybrid Comouters B. Mobile Computers C. Tabulators oo . D. Desktop Computers .

33. Ctri+Z Is Shortcut Key Of?

 A. Quit B. Undo  C. Delete


 34. A Worldwide Network Of Computers -

A.RAM _ B. Hemet Cc. CPU ° D. Network

 35. Computer Is Free From Tiresome And Boardoom. We Cail It |

A. Reliability B. Accuracy } C. Dilige-. - D. Versatility

 36. Bit Stand For:

 B Bi D; t A. Binary Digit . Big Digi C. None ® : D. Binary Dafa

 37. Daisy Wheel, Drum, Chain Etc Are The

A. Flow Chart ' B. Printers . C. Mouse D. Key Board

 39.1 Byte=? 

A. 4 Bits B. 8 Bytes C. 8 Bits D.8 KB

 40. A keyboard is what type of device

A. Input B. None Ai, Which Untt 1a Responsible For Converti D.

41 which unite responsible For Convertin A Computer Understandable Format?

A.The Data Received From The User int A. Output Unit C. Memory Unit
B. Arithmetic & Lopi i gic Unit D. Inpu: Unit

42. Light Pen And Joystick Are

A. intput Devices . B. Portals C. Flout Devices D. Algorithm

43.1 Byte=?

A. 8 Bits °" B. 9 Bits C. 4 Bits , . D. 2 Bits

44, Set GI Programs Which Consist Of Full Documentation. !

A. Software Package B Utility Software
C. File Package D. System Software

 45. Microsoft Windows Is:

A. Operating System B. Application Program C. Systern Application D. Graphical Program

 46. Another Name For Computer Programs ‘

A. Software B. Hardware

 47, Is The Functional Key To Display Save-as Box.

B. Fi2
A. F9 hd
C. F6 =. FS

48. A Spreadsheet Is The Combination Of? 

A.Rows And Columas B. Cells C. Rows D. Columns

49. Which of the following computer tanguage is used for amnisal intelligence?


                         Answers key

 1: D 2. B  3°  4, ©  5. C 7 6 A 7. B  8. D 9. A
 10. D 11. A 12. A  13. A 14. D 15. A  16. A 
17. C 18. C 19. C 20. D  21. B 22. B ‘ 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. D 27. A  28. C 29. B 30. C 31 32. B
33. B  34. D 35. B 36. A 37, B 38. B 39. C 40. A
 41. D 42 A. 43. A  44. A 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. A

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For watching Biochemistry 1st semester solved mcqs than click on this link Biochemistry solved mcqs  

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