Biochemistry 1st semester important question for 2023

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Faculty of Paramedical and Allied Health Sciences (FPMA) Khyber Pakinunkhwa

Biochemistry 1st semester important question  for 2023 Exam

1. Name Sulphur Containing Amino Acids. Write the protein on basis of structure.

2. Name the Water Soluble Vitamins. And function of vit D.

3. Define pH and Buffer solution. What is the normal pH of Blood?

4. Enumerate the food sources that contain Calcium. Name the vitamin involved in Calcium Regulation. Write down functions of Calcium.

5. Enumerate the major classes of Enzymes?

6. What are Essential Fatty Acids? Name Essential Fatty Acids. Write down

1. Name Aromatic Amino Acids. Write down five functions of Proteins with examples.

2. Name the factors which affect ENZYME ACTIVITY. Write how pH affects the cnzyme ACEVITY,

3. Name the water soluble vitamins. Write down food scurces and major functions of vitamin

4. Define Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). 

5. Write the sources and important functions of Calcium. .

 6. Write short notes:

a. Essential Fatty Acids .

b. Homopolysaccharides .

1, Define proteins. Name sulphur containing amino acids. Writee down five classes proteins on the basis of functions giving one example in each class.

2. Write the dietary sources, functions and diseases due to def.ciency of Vitamin D.

 3. Name the food sources of calcium. What are the functions of calcium?

4. Define pH. What is the normal pH of blood? Give the main function of Buffers in the human body. Name the different acid base abnormalities.

5. Different  enzymes. Name five factors that affect the enzyme activity. Name the enzymes increased in Myvcardial Infarction (Heart Attack).

1, Define carbohydrates, classify carbohydrates giving an example in each class?

 2. Name the fat soluble vitamins. Give the biochemical functions of vitamin C?

 3. What is the source of iron .What are the effects and deficiency of iron in the human body?

 4. What is pH?

5. What are the main food groups? Write down the properties of milk?

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For watching important question of Anatomy than click on this link Anatomy important Question  

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