Physiology 1st semester important solved mcqs for 2023 Exam 

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 Faculty of Paramedical and Allied Health Sciences (FPMA) Khyber Pakinunkhwa 

1. In Skeletal Muscles Ca joint  Binds To

A, Calsequestrin
B.Trop-T + ●
C. Troponin-C
D. Calmodulin

2. Contraction Of Skeletal Muscle Mainly Requires

A. ATP & Ca ions●
B. Atp
C. Ca
D.All Of Them Are Correct

3. Water Is Maximally Reabsorbed

A. Proximal Convoluted Tubules ●
B. Distal Convoluted Tubules
C. All Of Them
D. Loop Of Henle

4. Carbon dioxide Is Transported To Its Maximum In The Form Of

A. Dissolved From
B. Carb. Hb
C. Carbamino Compounds
D. Bicarbonate Ions ●

5. Testosterone Is Secreted By

A. Leydig Cells●
B. Sertoli Cells
C. Sustantacular Cells
D. Spermatogonia

6. A-V Node Present In The Heart is Located In The

A. Right Ventricle●
B. Left Ventricle
C. Left Atrium
D. Right Atrium

7. Antidiuretic Hormone Mainly Acts On

A. Pancreas
B. Loop Of Henle
C. Proximal Tubule Of The Kidney
D. Distal Tubule Of The Kidneys●

8. Normal Value Of Intra-pleural Pressure During Inspiration Is

A. -2.5 cm H20
B. -7.5 cm H20
C. 5 cm H20
D. -5 cm F20●

9. The Centre Regulating Cardiac Activity Is Located In

 A. Pons
B. Both In Mecuila And Pons ●
C. Meduila Oblongata
D. Midbrain

10. QRS Complex In The ECG Represents

 A. Atrial Depolarization
B. Atrial Repolarization
C. Ventricular Repolarization
D. Ventricular Depolarization ●

11.  97% Oxygen Transported As

A. Bound To Hb ●
B. Dissolved Form
C. Globin
D. Bound To Proteins 1

12. Residual Volume In The Lungs Is 1

A.1100 ml●
B. 500 mi
C. 2500 ml
D. 2300 mi

13. Cardiac controlling center is located in

B. Medulla oblongata ●

14. In the serum of blood

A. Ca‘ ions are absent
B. Clotting factors are present
C. Clotting factors absent ●

4. During contraction of muscle

A. ATP is not required
B. Ca ions should be removed
C. ATP must get attached to myosin head●
D. Ca** ions come from sarcoplasmic reticuluin

5. HCl is secreted in the stomach by

A. Kuptfer cells
B. Mucous neck cells
C.Parietal cells ●
D. Chief cells

6. Partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli is 

A. 59 mmHg
B. 100 mmHg
C. 95 mmHg.
D. 104 mmHg●

7. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for synthesis of

A. Lipid
B. Proteins●
C. Glycoproteins
 D. Fats

8. Proteolytic enzyme secreted by stomach

 A. Cariesaygeplidase
B. Chymotrypsinogen
C. Trypsinogen ●
D. Pepsinogen

 9. Aldosterone is a hormone which acts on 

B. Adrenal cortex
C. Thyroid
D. Anterior pitui

10. A-V node present in the heart is located in the pauary

A. Left ventricle
B. Right atri ●
C. Right ventricle

11. DNA is present in the

A.Nucleolus ●
C. Lysosomes

12, Tidal volume in normal adults is veleus 


13. Percentage of plasma in blood is

A. 85%
C. 55% ●

14, Cortisol is synthesized in

A, Posterior pituitary
 B. Anterior pityi Pituitary
C. Adrenal cortex ●

 31. Active transport across the cell membrane is mainly dependent upon

A. Casrier proteins
B.ATP and carrier protein ●
C. Concentration gradient
D. Electrical gradient

32. Percentage of total body water in a 70 Kg man is

 A. 40% of body weight
 B. 90% of body weight ●
C. 60% of body weight
D. 50% of body weight

33. Oxygen transported by one gram of hemoglobin is

 A. 2.5 ml
 B. 1.39 ml ●
C. 1.34 ml

34. Calcium binding protein in skeletal muscle to initiate contraction is called

A. Calmodulin
B. Calsequestrin ●
C. Tropomyosin
 D. Troponin C

35. Blood group antigens are present

A. On hemoglobin
 B. In WBC
C. In the plasma ●
D.. On the surface of RBCs

36. Duration of diastole in the heart is

A.0. 5 seconds ●
B. 0. 3 seconds
C.1. 0 second
D. 0. 8 seconds

37. Percentage of plasma in blood is

A. 55% ●
B. 65%
C. 70%
D. 45%

38. Antidiuretic hormone mainly acts on

A. Proximal tubule of the kidney
B. Distal tubule of the kidney●
C. Pancreas
D. Loop of henle

39. ATP inside the cell is synthesized by

A. Ribosomes
B. Golgi apparatus ●
C. Mitochondria
D. All of them

40. Resting membrane potential in skeletal muscle fiber is

A. -110 mv
B. +110 mv
C. -60 mv
D. -90 mv ●

Physiology 1st semester solved mcqs for 2023 Exam.

Fill in the Blanks.

Q2. Name of Phagocytes in the Liver is cells..............

Q4. CO? is transported in the blood Maximally in the form of ..................Bicarbonate

QS. Partial pressure of O2 in the alveoli is mm Hg ..................

Q7. Name of Hormone responsible for absorption of water in the kidney ts called ..............

 Q10. White blood Cell whose concentration increases during allergy is called ..............

Q1I. Name of the test to assess Function of platelets is ..................collting time

Q12. Immunity provided by Immunoglobulins present in our blood 1s called immunity......

 Q13. The Name of Main hormone which increases blood glucose level is ............

Q14. In the G.LT, Digestion of Carbohydrates starts in the ..............

QI5S. The organclle inside the cell for Phagocytosis is called. ................

Q16. Bile is secreted from gall bladder in response to presence of in diet.............

Q18 In the serum of blood which chemical substances of blood are absent ..............

   ☆ Multiple Choice Questions. ☆

QI. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for activation of

A. Renal function
B. vitamine D-3
D. Osteocytes

Q2. The contractile unit in skeletal muscle is called

A. Myocio
B. Sarcolema
C.Sarcomere ●
D. Actint

Q3. Antigens of Blood groups are present

A. in WBC
B. on the surface of RBCs ●
C. In the plasma
D-O+ globin

Q4. P-wave in ECG is produced due to

A. Repolarization of ventricles ●
B. Repolarization of atria
C.Depolarization Depolarization of

Q 18. Digestion of proteins starts in the

A. Stomach ●
B. Mouth
C. Large intestine
D. Small intestine

19. Percentage of plasma in blood is

A. 45%
B. 55% ●
C. 65%
D. 75%

 Q 20. Cardiac centers are located in

A. Pons
B. Both in medulla and pons
C. Midbrain ●
D. Medulla oblongata

Q 21. ATP inside the cell is synthesized by

 A. Golgi apparatus
B. Ribosomes
C. Mitochondria
D. Nucleus ●

Q 22. tRNA is responsible for carrying

 A. Translation
B. Transport of amino acids ●
C. Synthesis of proteins
D. Message from nucleus to ribosomes

Q 23. Duration of diestele in the heart is

A. 1.0
B.0.3 sec
C. 0.8 sec
D. 0.5 sec●

Q 24. Blood group antigens are present

 A. B-Lymphocytes
 B. In the plasma ●
C. .On the surface of RBCs
 D. On T-lymphocytes

Q25. Function of platelets is well assessed by testing

A. Bleeding tine
B. Clotting time ●
C. Skin test
D. Platelets count

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For watching physiology important question than click on this Physiology 1st semester important question

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