Criticisms of parties on UK government 


Criticisms of parties on UK government:

Criticisms on UK government is in wide range about the action and policies of U.K.

Criticisms of any political party leader on government on basis of corruption or others.

Some of the criticisms of U.K. party system on UK government is below.

(1) Criticisms for peace: The party criticise the government for peace and security because many of mistakes and lives of citizens were lost due to no peace and security during this government.

(2) For national sovereignty: When there is some failure in country For maintanig the sovereignty of country with others country the opposition party leader can criticize for it.

(3)Military action: If in country rebellions and terrorist attacks etc and government can't control it then party leader can criticize them again for it because some time it lead to civil war or world war.

(4) Free trade: When country can't afford the free trade and business with others country then opposition leader can criticize the government for coming down the economy rate of country.

(5) For protection of industry: Some time for taking of wrong decision of government the industry system goes down and opposition leader again criticize for it.

(6) For human rights: The U.K. government some time face the criticisms from opposition leader due failure in maintaining and providing human rights to individuals or groups of people in country.

(7) The president Bush were criticized for not maintanig democracy in united kingdom and as well as human rights.

(8) The government of U.K. also criticized for failure to support the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

(9) The president Barack Obama also criticized for his expensive views on executive power or mismanaging  during Syrian civil war.

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For Watching features of party system in uk click on it Features of party system of U.K.  

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