Biology solved mcqs for All tests


1. The scientific study of livings is called?
A. Anatomy
B. Biology
C. Geology
D. Zoology

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Answer: Option B

2. The word biology derived from the
A. Latin
B. English
C. Greek
D. French

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Answer: Option C

3. According to the modern taxonomy living organisms classified in
A. Three Kingdoms
B. Five Kingdoms
C. Two Kingdoms
D. Six Kingdoms

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Answer: Option B

4. Kingdom Protoctista includes____________?
A. Fungi
B. Prokaryotes
C. protists
D. Piantae

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Answer: OptionC

5. Kingdom Fungi includes_______________?
A. A cellular, eukaryotic organisms
B. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular eukaiyotlc organisms
C. Non-chlorophylls, multioellular,thailophytic organisms
D. Chlorophyllus, multicellular, eukaryotic Organisms

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Answer: Option C

6. Earthworm is included in_____________?
A. Kingdom Plantae
B. Kingdom Protoctista
C. Kingdom Monera
D. Kingdom Animalia

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Answer: Option D

7. The branch of biology which deal with the study of ocean and inhibit in sea called
A. Social Biology
B. Marine Biology
C. Environmental Biology
D. Fresh Water Biology

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Answer: Option B

8. The branch of Biology which deals with the use of data and techniques of engineering & technology concerning living organisms is:
A. Human Biology
B. Environmental Biology
C. Genetics
D. Bio-technology

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Answer: Option D

9. The branch of biology which deal with the study of interaction and transmission and hosting in living organisms is
A. Anatomy
B. Physiology
C. Parasitology
D. Social Biology

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Answer: Option C

10. The molecule requires for building blocks of mostly living organisms
A. Carbon
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Ammonia

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Answer: Option A

11. Server defiancy of vitamin D cause in adult __________.
A. scurvy
B. rickets
C. night blindness
D. osteomalacia

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Answer: Option B

12. People living in high attitudes usaly have ________.
A. smaller number of Red Blood Cells
B. larger number of Red Blood Cells
C. smaller number of White Blood Cells
D. larger number of White Blood Cells
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Answer: Option B

13. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters.
A. 5
B. 5.5
C. 6
D. 6.5

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Answer: Option A

14. The average temperature of the human body is __________.
A. 35 oC
B. 36 oC
C. 37 oC
D. 38 oC

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Answer: Option C

15. Vitamin  __________ required light vision in retina
A. A
B. C
C. D
D. B complex

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Answer: Option A

16. About __________ water present in mammal
A. 60%
B. 65%
C. 70%
D. 75%

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Answer: Option C

17. On wound __________ fight foreign particles, like bacteria.
A. White Blood cells
B. Red Blood Cells
C. Platelets
D. Plasma

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Answer: Option A

18. Blood carried towards heart  __________.
A. Arteries
B. Capillaries
C. Veins
D. none of these
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Answer: Option C

19. __________ are essential for formation of hemoglobin
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Water
D. Carbohydrates

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Answer: Option B

20. ___________ are needed for vital activities in human
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Water
D. Carbohydrates

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Answer: Option D

21. What is the function of white blood cells in human
A. To carry nutrients
B. To combat infection
C. To carry oxygen
D. To give strength

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Answer: Option B

22. Total volume of blood in human
A. 5-6 litres
B. 3-4 litres
C. 8-10 litres
D. 10-12 litres

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Answer: Option A

23. RBCs made in
A. Liver
B. Bone Marrow
C. Kidneys
D. Heart

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Answer: Option B

24. Blood doesn't cogulat due to presence of
A. Haemoglobin
B. Heparin
C. Fibrin
D. Plasma

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Answer: Option B

25. No of bone in adult human is
A. 210
B. 250
C. 206
D. 80

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Answer: Option C

26. Lungs are situated in the
A. Abdominal cavity
B. Pericardinal cavity
C. Buccal cavity
D. Thoracic cavity

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Answer: Option D

27. The pancreas secretes
A. Insulin
B. Vitamin A
C. Bile juice
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A

28. The seat of memory in human  brain located in which part
A. Medulla oblongata
B. Cerebrum
C. Cortex
D. Cerebellum

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Answer: Option C

29. Tibia is bone found in the
A. Skull
B. Arm
C. Leg
D. Face

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Answer: Option C

By Dr Muhammad Abid 

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