Features of party system of U.K. 

By csspointhub.blogspot.com

Political party is the combination of people who come together and work together for election and controlling of government.

Party system of U.K. is very different from others country party system due to U.K. have limited party system but only two major parties were known from many years ago one is conservative party and another one Labour party.
And this party have there own features which are below.


The characteristics of political party  in uk is to attain power, have a common agenda, same  ideology, establish a government and link between people of the state and government.

● Attain the power: Any one party of U.K. have there own power and authority for there aim but this power is within circle and this circle is called LAW.
Its true that POLITICAL party have power but not above then LAW.

● Common Agenda: In the world every one have there own aim and agenda for life.
And also just like it political party of U.K. have there own and common aim of there struggle.
They have only and only one aim through which they fight against government inside LAW.

● Same ideology: The political party of U.K. have same ideology.
And by this ideology they fight and do struggle for there promoting political party.
They never change there ideology because when the leader of party can change the ideology of party then people can not obey them and people can leave the party.

● Establishment of government: Any political party of any country want that they won the election and get government in there hand.
But for getting government in any state it requires struggle.
And political party of U.K. can also play important roles in government such as opposition can play important roles in country.

● Link between people and political party: The political party of U.K. have dip link and relation with the people's of U.K. because it shows from there supporting in election that which one party have more and more majority in state.
By linking with people of any political party in any country it directly lead the political party towards governing on state.

By Dr Muhammad Abid

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