TYPES of research 

By csspointhub.blogspot 

(1) BASIC RESEARCH OR THEORYTICAL RESEARCH: Also known as fundamental or basic or theoretical research.
 That type of research in which logical exploration of a system of belief and consumption occurs.
This type of research have theorization or defining of something to explore.
this research for getting more and more information about science or others.

E.g. writing thesis of university project.

(2) Applied research: That type of research in which non systemic occur for providing solution for any problems or issues.
This issue May be on level of individuals or groups or society level as well as.
It's called non systemic because it direct towards the findings of solution.

E.g  the physiologist research for the factor of violence that how it occur why it occur so it goes directly towards the solution.

(3) Exploratory research: That type of research which used  for investigation of any problems which is not clearly defined.
It used for batter understanding of any problems.
Oftenly used when you doing new research on any project.
It creates scope of your future research.

E.g. studying of COVID 19  pandemic that how to describe it.

(4) Descriptive research: That type of research which is used for observing and measuring without dividing of any veriabals.


That type of research which used to describe the characteristics of a population.
It used for using Answer on wide range of any populations or groups.

It used for obtaining information regarding with phenomena or situations or population.
It helps on answers the what, where, when,how  questions regarding the research problems.

E.g Tracking of  changes of any society.

(5) Explanatory research: That type of research in which exploring and describing of something when limited information available.
It used for understanding topic very well that how and why something or phenomena occur.
In this research every time you should be answered the question why.

E.g that why the government did not take any action against law brokers.

(6) Experimental research: That type of research in which the subject of researcher contribute not only to the content of the research but it's not enough for research but you should be done experiment on your research.

E.g  going to hospital and treating of the patient practically not on reading or observing.


That type of research in which numerical values and measurement occur on exact General law.
Mostly associated with natural sciences and technology.
Example in physics measuring mass of a body.
In quantitative research scientist take small part of samples but it provide lot of experience and information.


The qualitative research we  characterized in different ways in the academic as well as for student for its study and literature but do not prove there subject or topic as numerically.
Qualitative research almostly related with humans experience or it's behavior.
Example of qualitative  research is  market researching that how to react the new people with new product.

By DR Muhammad Abid

For Watching research methodology click on this link Research methodology

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