REFORM OF zia ul Haq by csspointhub.

Zia up Haq can established the law of islamization and sherization in 1977.
Establish separate shariat judical COURT
And judges legal cases using Islamic roles.
Just like new criminal offenses
Adultery fornication and type of blasphemy and punishment for crimes were added to Pakistani law.

The process through which society change towards the religion Islam and there roles to become largely Muslims.

Pakistan which was created in the name of Islam will continue to
survive only if it sticks to Islam. That is why I consider the
introduction of [an] Islamic system as an essential prerequisite for
the country.

ISLAMIZATION will help man to learn how to obey the law of islamization how to agree with the order of Allah QURAN AND SUNAH.

Zia established "Sharia Benches" in each High Court (later the Federal Sharia Court)
to judge legal cases using the teachings of the Quran and the Sunna, and to bring
Pakistan's legal statutes into  Islamic roles.


(Hudood meaning limits or restrictions)
Zia established the new punishment for the  whipping, amputation, and stoning
to death.
For theft or robbery, the punishments is  fine, or both, were replaced by amputation of the right hand of the offender for theft, and amputation of the right hand and left foot for robbery.
For Zina (sex) the punishments of flogged 100 lashes for those unmarried offenders, and stoning to death for married offenders.


According to zia woman should be wear the Dupata means cover on head.
And never going to public schools, colleges and state television. And  Women's  restricted from participation in sports and the performing arts.
In 1980 the "Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980" was implemented.
2.5% annual deduction from personal bank accounts on the first day of Ramadan.
In 1981 interest payments were replaced by "profit and loss".
Eating and drinking during Ramadan was restricted attempts were made to enforce
praying of salat five times a day.


The ordinance of blasphemy in 1980, 1982 and 1986.
The 1980 law prohibited remarks against Islamic personages, and carried a three-year prison sentence.
In 1982 the small Ahmadiyya religious minority were prohibited from
saying or implying they were Muslims.
And no abuses for Holly prophet Muhammad  (SAW) and sahaba or other mis behave.


Under the zia Traditional religious madrassass in Pakistan received state sponsorship for the first time.their number grew from 893 to 2,801 Most were Deobandi,Barelvi.
They received funding from Zakat councils and provided free religious training.
The schools, which banned televisions and radios.


In a 1979 address to the nation, Zia prohibited  the Western culture and music in the country. And very soon ptv home television cesased from playing musics etc.
New taxes were levied on the film industry and
most of the cinemas in Lahore were shut down.
This taxes decrease the more attendance from cinema.


During zia era he passed the ordinance for the DISABLED PEOPLE called The Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981".
It was passed into law on 29 December 1981. It provides the measures for the employment, rehabilitation and welfare of the people with

By Dr Muhammad Abid

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