Features of united kingdom constitution by csspointhub.blogspot 


The important features of British constitution is in UNWRITTEN form. There is no one point to be written because of clearty of rules in it.
Only the precious and compact documents called British constitution.
The main reason behind it that it is based on the convention and political tradition which couldn't be laid down in any documents.
But some of them are in written form such as
Historical documents,parliamentary STATUS,judicial decision and constitution character. E.g magna Carta,Bill of rights,parliamentary Acts.


The constitution of united kingdom is a evolutionary development.
This constitution never maked by any other constitution assembly.
This constitution have no author and date of birth but it is product of gradual growth and development.it have unbroken continuity in his development and thousands of years were old. But it's development has been sometimes guided by high design and some of accidents.


The constitution of united kingdom is the best example of flexible constitution because it can passed by some of the amended and repealed majority of the parliament since there is no distinction is made between constitution and ordinary law. Both treated like and the elements of flexible and the virtues of adaptability and adjustability to the constitution of united kingdom.


The constitution of united kingdom have unitary character as like opposesd to the federal one that means all the power belongs to the parliament of state and parliament is sovereign body.
And also the extractive body is under the parliament. There should be only one legislature.
Just like England Scotland is administrative units not a political autonomous unit.


United kingdom have parliamentary type of government. And the king have all power and authority. But the real functioner is minister and this minister belongs to the majority of the parliament and survive in office upto confidance.
And the prime minister and minister responsible for the Act and policies of legislatures.
Legislature and and EXECUTIVE not separated from each other like in federal form of government.


This is a very important features of British constitution that parliament is only LEGISLATIVE body in state with unfettered power with it that legislation can make or repeal any rule or law it like.
That means that court have no priority to ask question from parliament for passing any type of law or rule.
It have priority to make legal from illegal and illegal from legal.


This is the another important features of British constitution that is rule and law.
The rule and law for implies equality , uniformity and also universality.
RULE OF LAW says that all person are equall on there position and ranks.
This feature emphasize the supremacy of law and not only for individuals.
And no one can punished of his life liberty or property with out for specific beach of law that proved in court law.


In UK constitution there is a big gap between theory and practice in English politics.
This due to unwritten charchter of the UK constitution. This constitution mainly based on conventions.
In the theory the king or queen is sovereign.
But in practice the parliament is sovereign of the state. The king or queen can't passed any Bill but only by parliament.


The constitution of united kingdom is mixture of different such as monarchical, Aristocratic and Democratic rules.
In UK the kingship show that the monarchy in state.
But England also is aristocratic type of government.
And House of commons show the Democratic system in England.

By Dr Muhammad Abid

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