PAK301 Assignment 1 2023

Closing Date: 26-05--2023 

To asses students' knowledge of the subject and to motivate them toward, conceptual knowledge and practical application of the subject 

Instructions :
• Late assignments will not be accepted. 
• If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero. 
• Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from different sources and to express it in your own words will be encouraged. 
• If any assignment is found copied work, no marks will be awarded and the case may be referred to the head of the academics for disciplinary action. 
• No assignment will be accepted via e-mail or through ticket system 
• The file should be in Word doc form; the font color should be preferably black and font size can be 12 Times New Roman. 

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PAK301 Assignment 1 Solution 2023 Solution File

PAK301 Assignment No 1 Solution

Question No 1:
• Allama Iqbal's 1930 address to the All India Muslim League is considered a landmark speech in1 the history of the Subcontinent. In this context, critically analyze the Vision of Allama Iqbal for a separate Muslim state for Muslims of the Sub-continent. (10 Marks) 

Question No 2:
• Enlist major reasons behind the annulment of partition of Bengal by the British Empire anal how did this decision strengthen the goals of All India Muslim League? (5 Marks) 

PAK301 Assignment 1 Solution 2023 Solution File

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