☆ Background of USA constitution:

By csspointhub.blogspot.com 

☆ Background of USA constitution:

The constitution of USA was wrote by James Madison also known as Father of constitution because he also proposed the Bill of rights.

Written in 1787 and applied in 1788 and lead the USA since 1789.


The constitution of united states America was written during hot summer of 1787 at Philadelphia having 55 delegation to the constitutional convention that is called Article of confederation 1781 - 1789.
This was the first written constitution of USA.

☆How was the constitution of USA formed:

The constitution of USA written during the convention of Philadelphia and now it is known as constitutional convention which convened from 25 to 17 September 1778.
And singed on 17 September 1787.

The constitution of united states America established the government and law in state and provide the fundamental rights to its citizens, it was signed on 17 Sep 1787 by delegation of constitutional convention.

The constitution of USA defined the fundamental law of U.S. federal government and setting 4th the  three principals BRANCH of federal government and there justification.

☆ Why the constitution of united states America was created:

The constitution of USA created for government and power of government which act on national level.
Because without any power there is so difficult to provide the fundamental rights and it must be at risk.

By Dr Muhammad Abid

For watching constitution of USA click on this  Constitution of USA

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