Anatomy 1st semester important solved mcqs for 2023 Exam 

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Faculty of Paramedical and Allied Health Sciences (FPMA) Khyber Pakinunkhwa

1. All OF The Following Veins Opens Into The Right Atrium Except.

A. Coronary Sinus (b) Pulmonary Veins ● (c)Inferior Vena Cava (d) Superior Vena Cava

2. The Term Superficial Mears

(B) Away From The Midline Of The Body  (c)Toward The Sole Of The Foot
(D)Nearer To The Surface Of The Body ●

3. The Smooth Part Of Urinary Bladder Is Known As

A. Apex ( B.) Neck (c) Trigone ● (d)Base

 4. Normal X-ray In Erect Posture Of Abdomen Shows GasShadow In The Area Of

(A) Right Dome Of Diaphragm ● (B) Left Dome Of Diaphragm (C) Left Iliac Fossa (D) Right Iliac Fossa

 5. Shortest Part Of Male Uretira Is

A). Penile (B) Membranous ● (C) Bulbar  (D)Prostatic

 6. Largest Bone In The Face Is

 A.) Nasal Bones (B). Zygomatic Bone  (C)Maxillary Bone ●. (D)Mandible

 7. The Proximal Row Of The Carpal Bones Consists Of All Of The Following EXCEPT

 A). Lunate (B). Triquetral ● (c) Trapezium  (d) Scaphoid

 8. Spleen Is Located ia Quadrant

A). Left Lumbar (b) left  Hypochondrium ● (c)Right Lumbar (d) Right Hypochondrium

9. True Statement About The Right Lung Is

 A.) Longer And Narrower (b) Shorter And Broader ● (c) Anterior Border Is Interrupted By Cardiac Notch (d) Has One Fissure And Two Lobes

10. Cadaveric anatomy is also called

A.) Developmental Anatomy
B) Gross Anatomy
C)None ●
D) Microscopic Anatomy

11. True statement about the diaphragm
A) Dome Shaped Muscle Between the thoracic & abdominal aorta●
B) Do not give passage to any structure
C)Also called pelvic digphragm
D)It is not the chief muscle quite respiration

12. The Narrowest Part Of The Ureter

 A)Tliac Vessel Crossing
B) Uretero Pelvic Junction
C)Ureterovesical Junctica●
D) Pelvic Urcter

13. Which Of The Following ls NOT Associated With Hair Fo!ticles?

A. Sebaceous Glands
B. Apocrine Sweat Glands
C. Smooth Muscle Of Arrector Pill ●
D.Eccrine Sweat Glands

14. Knee Joint Is The Articulation Between
 A. Tibia & Fibula
 B. Femur Tibia Fibula
 C.Femur & Tibia tp ●
D. Femur Tibia Patella

15. The Organ Lying Entirely Under Cover Of Ribs & Extend Acrozs The Epigastric Region Is

A.Stomach ●
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. Pancreas

 16. All Of The Following Are Features Of Large Intestine, Except

A.Large Intestine Secretes Acidic Mucus Which Helps To Form Stools
B. Absorbs Salt And Water
C. Its Epithelium Contains Goblet Cells In Large Numbers
D. It Is A Site Of Mucocutaneous Junction ●

17. Pubic Symphysis (Secondary Cartilaginous Joint) Lies In A Plane Called

A. Sagittal Plane
B.Parasagittal Plane
C.Coronal Plane ●
D. Median Plane

18. The Parts Of The Large Intestine Include ,

B. Pylorus
C. Caecum ●
D. Iilium

19. The Nerve Which Passes Through Carpel Tunnel Is

A. Axillary
B. Ulnar
D. Median ●

20. Xiphoid Process Is A Bony Projection Of

A. Scapula
B. Sternum ●
C. Humerus
D. Clavicle

 21. The Example Of Elastic Cartilage Is
A. Nose
B. Epiglottis ●
C. Thyroid Cartilage
D. Trachea

22. Simple Squamous Epithelium Is Present in

A. Ureter
B. Alveoli ●
C. Trachea
D. Skin

 23. The Fiber Cell Membrane Is Termed The?
B. Myosin
C. Sarcolemma●
D. Myofibril

24. All Of Following Joints Lie In Median Plane Of The Body Except

A.syndesmosis ●
B. Manubriosternal Joints
C. Pubic Symphysis
D. Intervertebral Disc

25. Coracoid Processes Is A Bony Projection Of

A. Upper End Of Femur
B. Sternum
C. Lower End Of Fibula ●
D. Scapula

26. Brachial Plexus Is Formed By Anterior Rami Of

A, C4-T1
B. C5-TI ●

27. The Tunica Intima Is The Innermost Coat Of

A. Liver
C.blood Vessels ●
D. Esophagus

28. Total number of vertebrae in human are .

B. 32
C. 30
D. 31

29. About the wall of Esophagus, wrong statementis ..

A.Is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium ●
B. It is 25 cm long approximately
C. Has an inner coat of mucosa
D. Consists of four layers

30. Each of the following may be found in the gail bladder except for

 A. Mucosa
B. Adveniitia
C. Serosa
D. Submucosa ●


1. Regarding the heart, true statement is?

A. Its base is directed downward

B. It is surrounded by a sac called pleura

C. Its mitral valve has 3 cusps

D. its apex is at the level of left fifth intercostal space ●

2. The cranial nerve with the longest intra-cranial course is

A. Trigeminal nerve
B. Abducens nerve ●
C. Trochlear nerve
D. Optic nerve

3.  Approximately how many skeletal muscles are there in the human body?

A. 100
 B. 1000 ●
 D. 60

4. The number of bones in human bedy are

 A. 350
 B. 306
C.304 ●
D 206

5. Which of the following function as a resistance vessel

A. Muscular arteries
 B. capillaries ●
 D. venules

6. Temporary mucosal folds are found in following structures except

A. Large intestine
B. small intestine ●
D. stomach

7. The example of elastic cartilage is

A.Epiglottis ●
C. trachea
D. Thyroid cartilage

8. Temporomandibular joint is

A. Saddle joint ●
B. Primary cartilaginous joint
C.synovial joint of condylar variety
D. Fibrous joint

9. All are the appendages of the skin except

A. Hair
B. Nail ●
C. Mammary gland
D. Sweat gland

 10. About thick skin, correct statement is

 A. Lies deep to hypodermis
 B. Non-hairy skin is thinner as compared to hairy skin
C. Outmost layer is called stratum granulosum●
D. Is found only in palm & soles

11. Quadriplegia means

A. Ipsilateral paralysis
B. Contralateral paralysis
C. Monoplegia ●
D. Paralysis of all the four limbs

12. The largest muscle of gluteal region is

 A. Gluteus minimus
 B. Gluteus medius ●
C. Gluteus maximus
D. Piriformis

 13. The largest and strongest bone of the face is

 A. Zygomatic bone .
 B. Mandible ●
C. Nasal bone
 D. Maxiilary bone

14. True statement about the diaphragm

A. Also called pelvic diaphragm
B. Do not give passage to any structure
C. It is not the chief muscle of quite respiration
D. Is a dome shaped-muscle between the thoracic & abdominal cavities ●

15. Arteries carrying deoxygenated blood are

 A. Pulmonary vein
B. Ascending aorta
C. Popliteal artery ●
D. Pulmonary arteries .

16. Suitable quadrant of gluteal region for intramuscular injection is

A. Upper medial
B. Lower medial ●
C. Upper lateral
D. Lower laterel

17. Simple columnar epithelium lines

A. Inner surface of esophagus
B. Oral cavity ●
C. Inner surface of the stomach
 D. Urcter

18. All of the tullowing has internal lining of mucosa except

 A. Gastrointetinal tract
 B. Antenun mediastinum●
 C. Respiratory tract
 D. Urinary tract

19. The' primary function of the lower limbs are the following except

B. Stable foundation in walking
C. Running
D. A grasping tool●

 20. Cytogenic gland producing Hving cells is

A. Prostate gland
B. Sub mandibular gland
 C. Thyroid gland ●
D. Ovary

21. The most abundant variety of connective tissue cell is

A. Adipocyte
B. Macrophages
 C. Mast cells ●
D. Fibroblast

 22. All of the following are muscles with fibers parallel to the line of pull except

A. Strap-like muscle ●
 B. Quadrilateral muscles
 C. Fusiform muscles
D. Pennate muscles

 23. Superior saygital sinuses (within cranial cavity) occupies

A. The free Jower margin of the falxcerebri
B. Attached margin of falxcerebelti ●
C. Upper fixed border of falxcerebri .
 D. Attached margin of the tentorium cerebelli

24. A fold of peritoneum which suspends vermiform appendix Is called

A. Transverse mesocolon
B. Sigmoid mesocolon
C. Mesosalpinx
 D. Mesoappendix ●

Anatomy 1st semester Important mcqs for 2023 Exam.

Fill in the Blanks,

Qt The epithelial tissue found in urinary bladder is epithelium..................

 Q2. The process of division in which a parent cell divides into 4 daughter cell is known as_...................

 Q3. The movement which occurs in sagittal plane os . .................

 Q5. The term used for indicating the front of the body 1s known as ................

Q6. Cecum is 9 part of intestine. ...............

Q7. The seventh cranial nerve is named as nerve...................

Q8. The chamber of the heart pumping de-oxygenated blood to the lung is..................

 Q9. Pylorus is a part of .....................

Q10. Plasma is component of ....................

QII. In mitosis, the number of chromosome(s) in each daughter cell is...................

 Q12. The site where exchange of gases tnke place in the lung is .................

Q14. Blood is type of tissue...................

Q1S. Intercalated disc are presentin ss muscles........................

Q16. A bone is composed of cortex and .......................

QI7. The term contralateral refersto__ sii of the body. ......................

Q18. According to shape, Scapula is type of  ..................bone.

Q19. Metatarsal bones are present in limb.......................

Multiple Choice Questions.

 QI. The ovaries are present in the:

 A. Abdomen
 B. Broad ligament of uterus
C. Perincum
 D. Cervix

Q2. The nerve plexus supplying muscles of
 lower limb is known as:

A. Lumbosacral
B. Thoracic . pleaus
C. Cervical plexus ploxus
D. Brachial plexus

Q3. The cerebrum is composed of ___ lobes:

B. 1
D. 4

Q4. Adenoids are enlarged tonsils of

A. Palate
B. Nasopharynx
C. Eusuchian
D, Tongue

QS. The aclera and comes are present in which layer of cycball?

 A. Vascular
B. Fibrous
C. Nervou
D. None of them pigmented

Q6. Elbow joint is example of synovial joint:

A. Ellipsoid
B. Hinge
C. Pivot ●
D. Balla od Yu

 Q7. The biceps femoris is a muscle of

A. Upper limb ●
B. Abdomen
C. Lower limb

QS. The left renal vein drains into:

A. Brachiocephalic
C. Inferior vena ●
D. Superior vena vein
B. Portat vein cava cave

Q9. The adrenal coriox has layer.

A 8
C.3 ●

QI0. The genetic material of the cell is present in:

A. Golgi bodies
B. Mitochondria 
C. Nucleus ●

Choote the correct True/Falre option.

Q!. Brain and spinal cord are parts of peripheral nervous system A. True● B. Faise

Q2. Prostate gland is present in both male and female.

A. True B. False ●

Q4. Kidney is retroperitoneal organ.

A. True● B. False

Q7. Brachial artery is a branch of subclavian artery. A. True B. False●

 Q8. Midbrain is composed of cerebrum and thalamus A. True ● B. False

Q10. Tongue is supplied by trochlear nerve.

A. Troe B. False ●

By Dr Muhammad Abid 

For watching important question of Anatomy click on this Anatomy important Question


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