Prime minister of united kingdom and there function and power by csspointhub.blogspot 

Prime minister of united kingdom:

The prime minister of U.K. is the head of state and advise the sovereign on the exercise of much of the royal propergative and the cabinet select the minister.
The prime minister hold the office for command the confidence of the common house and sit as parliament member.

The current prime minister of U.K. is Rishi Sunak since 25 October 2022.

Status is head of state.
Member of cabinet Privy Council ,British–Irish Council ,National Security Council.
Appointed by crown.

History of prime minister of U.K.

The office of prime minister is not created by some one but it come from historical Acts of parliament from hundred years.
It origin found in constitutional changes during revolutionary settlement (1688-1720).
And as result gradually gradually the power change from sovereign to parliament.

In 1830 the Westminster system of government can emerged the prime minister as primus inter pares and head of government in united kingdom.

After it in 1902 the prime minister of U.K sat in the house of lords.
The prime minister authority's is further enhanced by the Act of parliament in 1911.


The prime minister is the head of government.
Such as modern prime minister can lead the cabinet and party and prime minister is also the head of party and have power of command and also the house of commons
And also the LEGISLATIVE and executive power.
In common house the prime minister can advise and guide the law makers.
And also appointe and dismiss the minister of cabinet and coordinate with the government policies and activities.
Prime minister is the public face and voice of his government both in home and out side the country.

By Dr Muhammad Abid

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