Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979)

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto 
Speaking (Sindhi, Urdu: 
And january 1928 – 4 April
1979), also widely known as Quaid-e-Awam which means People's Leader, 
who served as the ninth prime minister of
Pakistan from 1973 to 1977 and the first one to be elected through general elections, and
prior to that was the fourth president of Pakistan from 1971 to 1973. Bhutto is an icon of
leadership for his efforts to preserve and lead the nation after the Bangladesh Liberation
War. His government drafted the Constitution of Pakistan in 1973, which is the current
constitution of the country. He was also the founder of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP)
and served as its chairman until his execution in 1979. Bhutto's execution till this day is
widely recognised as a judicial murder ordered by then dictator General Zia-ul-Haq.


Born in a wealthy family, Bhutto became one of the youngest politicians in Pakistan when he entered the government led by President Ayub Khan. In 1957, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became the youngest member of Pakistan’s delegation to the United Nations. He would address the United Nations Sixth Committee on 25 October 1957. In 1958 Bhutto became the youngest cabinet minister when he was given charge of the Energy ministry by President Field Marshal Ayub Khan, who had seized power, through a successful coup,and declared martial law in the country. In 1960, he was subsequently promoted to minister of the Commerce Ministry, and Ministry of Information and Industry Ministry. Bhutto aided Ayub Khan in negotiating the Indus Water Treaty in India in 1960. In 1961, Bhutto negotiated an oil exploration agreement with the Soviet Union, which also agreed to provide economic and technical aid to Pakistan.

As foreign minister, Bhutto significantly transformed Pakistan’s pro-Western foreign policy. While maintaining a prominent role for Pakistan within the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and the Central Treaty Organization, Bhutto began asserting a foreign policy course for Pakistan that was independent of U.S. influence. Bhutto criticized the U.S. for providing military aid to India during and after the Sino-Indian War of 1962, which was seen as an abrogation of Pakistan’s alliance with the U.S. Bhutto worked to establish stronger relations with the People’s Republic of China. Bhutto visited Beijing and helped Ayub negotiate trade and military agreements with the Chinese regime, which agreed to help Pakistan in a large number of military and industrial projects. Bhutto also signed the Sino-Pakistan Boundary Agreement on March 2, 1963, that transferred 750 kilometers of territory from Pakistan-administered Kashmir to Chinese control. Bhutto asserted his belief in non-alignment, making Pakistan an influential member in non-aligned organizations. Believing in pan-Islamism, Bhutto developed closer relations with Muslim nations such as Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab states.

Bhutto also helped Ayub Khan during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. Falling out with Ayub after the war, Bhutto founded the Pakistan People’s Party in 1966, which won a majority of seats from West Pakistan in 1970. He refused to accept the victory of the Awami League, leading to a political and sectarian crisis. After the Bangladesh Liberation War, Bhutto took over as president and the first civilian chief martial law administrator of Pakistan. In this capacity, he negotiated the Shimla Agreement with Indian leader Indira Gandhi to establish peace.

On the national development side, Bhutto adopted a new constitution for Pakistan. Transferring to the post of the prime minister, Bhutto nationalized many industries. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the founder of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program and due to his administrative and aggressive leadership to lead this nuclear deterrence program, Bhutto is often known as the Father of the Nuclear deterrence program Pioneering Islamic socialism in Pakistan, he undertook land reforms and other socialist policies. Bhutto also ordered the Pakistan Army to suppress the insurgency in Balochistan and suppressed a military coup attempt in 1973. However, Bhutto became increasingly unpopular over allegations of corruption and suppression of political opponents.

General Elections were held on March 7, 1977. PPP emerged as the victorious party. At the behest of General Ziaul Haq, PNA accused the government of rigging in the elections.

Reforms of Zulifiqar Ali BHUTTO

(1). COUNTRY INFRASTRUCTURE : Bhutto work hard day and night and take serious steps for Pakistan one of them is changing the structure of Pakistan.

(2). ESTABLISHMENT OF CHIEF OF STAFF COMMITTEE: Bhutto knows that if chief of staff is on one plate it's very big achievement for Pakistan and than he create this committee for meeting together and take a good decision for country.

(3). AGRARIAN REFORM:( Land reform)
Is one of the another good step for Pakistan from landlord side to prohibited him from 150
acres Irrigated land and 300 acres unirrigated land from landlord.
This land used for governmental purposes.

(4). LABOUR REFORM: BHUTTO introduced LABOUR REFORM for rights of poors Labour's
In July 1972 and further in August 1972 and last labour conference in Islamabad.
And to provide fundamental rights of overdue and freedom bargaining old age person free education for there children and health of LABOUR's.

(5). INDUSTRIAL REFORMS: BHUTTO take 10 big industry by government.
This includes iron,steels,matals,heavy engineering,electronic,cement,power generation,gas and oil refinery.

(6). ECONOMIC REFORMS: BHUTTO order in January 1972 removed the restrictions on 20 big industry by government such as vegetables oil industry.
By taking this step economy rate of Pakistan in era of Bhutto rise up.

(7). EDUCATION REFORMS: BHUTTO ORDER to the management to free the education up to 10th Class and 400 collages and school in all four province Punjab sindh balochestan kpk.


     By Dr Muhammad Abid 

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