Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (1924-1988)


Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (1924-1988)


General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq  born on 12 August 1924  and died in 17 August 1988.
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was born in Punjabi Arain family in Jullundar, Punjab Province of British India,on 12 August 1924. Zia-ul-Haq was the second child of  his father Muhammad Akbar Ali, who worked in the administrative corps of the Army GHQ of India Command of British Armed Forces in Delhi and Simla.
Educated at St. Stephen's College, Delhi and the Indian Military Academy at Dehradun.
Zia Took action in World War II as a British Indian Army officer in Burma and Malaya. before Independence  of Pakistan in 1947 and fighting as a tank commander in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.
Zia deposed Bhutto in a military coup and declared martial law on 5 July 1977. Zia create internationaly relationship with China united state as Islamic state.

 He  was a Pakistani four-star general and statesman.And sixth President of Pakistan
after a successful coup on the famous left-wing government of Bhutto.
He was supported by right-wing Islamist political parties and declaration of martial law in 1977.
Zia served in office until his death in a plane crash in 1988. He remains the country's longest-serving head of state and Chief of Army Staff.
Zia dismissed Junejo's government and announced fresh elections in
November 1988.


Zia was commissioned in the British Indian Army on 12 May 1943.And fought against Japanese forces in Burma in World War II.
He was trained in the United States during 1962–1964 at the US Army Command.
During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, Zia is  the Assistant Quartermaster of the 101st Infantry Brigade.


After the Despite the dismissal of most of the Bhutto government, President Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry was to continue in office as a figurehead.
 After completing his term, and
despite Zia's insistence to accept an extension as President, Chaudhry resigned, and Zia
took the office of President of Pakistan on 16 September 1978.


In zia era economical growth and islamization both are at the top.
During zia economy rate is at the highest GNP 6.8% and thanks in large part to remittances from the overseas workers, rather than
government policy.
By the time General Zia had initiated the coup against Prime Minister Zulfikar Bhutto, the
economic cycle process of nationalisation program was completed.


The "primary" policy or "centerpiece" of Zia's government was "Sharization" or

In 1977, prior to the coup, the drinking and selling of wine by Muslims is prohibited.
Zia went much further, committing himself to
enforce Nizam-e-Mustafa ("Rule of the prophet" or Islamic System, i.e. establishing an Islamic state and sharia law in Pakistan.
Speach of zia on tv
Pakistan which was created in the name of Islam will continue to
survive only if it sticks to Islam. That is why I consider the introduction of [an] Islamic system as an essential prerequisite for
the country.


Under Zia, the order for women to cover their heads while in public or public schools, colleges and state television. Women's participation in sports and the performing arts or others working strongly restricted.
In 1980 the "Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980" was implemented. The measure called
for a 2.5% annual deduction from personal bank accounts on the first day of Ramadan,
with Zia stating that this revenues would be used for poverty relief.
Zakat committees were established for oversee distribution of the funds.

In a 1979 address to the nation, Zia restricted Western culture and music in the country.
Soon afterwards, PTV, the national television network ceased playing music videos.


Zia died in a plane crash on 17 August 1988.
Shortly after a smooth takeoff  aircraft suddenly not in control and going towards earth verticaly and clashed.In addition to Zia, 31 others died in the plane crash, including chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Akhtar Abdur Rahman were died.

By Dr Muhammad Abid 

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